Vee x Human!Reader (Romantic/Platonic)

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Story: Vee meets Y/n at school and becomes friends with them. You can interpret this as romantic or platonic.


Vee walked through school nervously. Camila had told her all about it and showed her where everything was. She was told that Luz had been judged for being weird, so she thought she might help her reputation with her completely different personality. She acted as if she had changed anyways.

Vee took a deep breath and went to her locker. Technically Luz', but hers for now. She opened it and got the stuff she needed for class.

"Well, if it isn't Luz-er," someone said from behind her. Vee turned and saw the girl called Amber standing their with her friends. "Wow, you actually look less dorky than usual."

"Ugh, leave her alone, Amber," another student walked up to her and frowned. "Just because Luz acts a bit different than you doesn't mean she's weird."

Vee smiled. They seemed nice at least.

"Whatever Y/n- come on girls," Amber rolled her eyes and gestured for her friends to follow her.

"Thanks for standing up for me back there," Vee smiled at Y/n.

"No problem. I'm Y/n. I don't think we've met before. I saw you at summer camp-" they said.

"Oh yeah, I remember now. I'm Luz-" Vee said.

"What's your first class?" They asked the basilisk.

"English. You?"

"Same. Come on, you can sit with me if you want."

"Really?" Vee asked.

"Yeah! I'm always happy to make new friends."

Vee felt her cheeks warm. "Thanks."


Being friends with Y/n made things so much easier. They got along really well, and Vee learned a lot more about school and the human realm from them. They tried out for cheerleading together, they aced quizzes together, they hung out at the café, and even at each other's houses. Camila was happy to see Vee with a friend.

"Luz, you're like, the coolest."


"Yeah, you're fun to hang out with, you're really nice, I like you."

"Heh, aw shucks-" Vee blushed a little. She looked away, her happy mood only lasting a moment.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just.." Vee looked up at them. Y/n scanned their face, confused about what had made her sad.

"Can I tell you something?" She asked.

"Sure-" they shrugged.

"I'm.. not actually Luz."


"My real name is Vee.. and I'm a basilisk." She changed into her normal form. "I'm sorry. I.. I should have told you. I-"

"Hey.. it's okay. I still like you, Vee. Even if you aren't really Luz."

Vee smiled.

"Speaking of Luz, where is the real her, if you're in her place?"

"Well, she may be kinda trapped in the world I came from right now-" Vee explained, turning back to her disguise.

"Woah. That's crazy- so what's your world like?"

"Crazy. It's the demon realm. There are witches and demons, magic all that."

"That sounds so cool!" Y/n grinned. "I wish I could see it."

"Maybe you can, if things go the right way. I'd be happy to show you around, if you want-" Vee suggested.

"Oh my gosh, yes!" Y/n gasped. They hugged the basilisk. "That would be awesome!"

Vee smiled and hugged them back. She was happy she finally had a good friend.


A/N: Short but sweet. Hope you enjoyed!

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