Eda x Supportive!Reader (R) - All You Need

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Requested by kxttycl1nic

Story: Eda's curse has been extremely bothering lately, so Y/n offers to stay with her and be supportive.

Eda ran. And ran. And ran. That stupid ugly bird wouldn't stop chasing her in the grayish-black void. She heard her name being called but it was distant. She couldn't stop running.


Can't stop. Can't stop.

"Eda wake up!"

She couldn't stop-


The Owl Lady's eyes snapped open, and she gasped for the fresh air. It was musky and hard to breathe in the void, alongside running until she felt her lungs about to burst.

"Eda, are you okay?" Y/n lightly shook her, their hands on her shoulders. Eda took a moment to adjust to her surroundings again. Side effect of the curse, it caused confusion for a few minutes after she woke up from blacking out.

After she adjusted, she put a hand on her head and looked up at Y/n. "Yeah.. I think so."

"That elixir is getting more and more difficult to change you back. You should be more careful with you magic, hon," Y/n told her, worry in their voice.

"I'm okay. It'll take a lot to break me down," Eda assured them.

"Okay, well either way, we should get you back to the owl house. You need to rest," they said, picking up her staff and the empty elixir bottles.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Eda brushed it off. They flew back to the owl house on Y/n staff, just for safety reasons. They didn't want Eda passing out while flying or something.

"Hoot! Where have you two been?" Hooty asked them as they reached the front of the property. Y/n sighed.

"Later, Hooty. Eda needs to rest. We can talk later, though," Y/n told him.

"Okay!" Hooty simply agreed.

Y/n helped the owl lady to her nest, and had her lay down. Eda groaned. "You don't really hafta do this. I'm fine now!"

"No, Eda. You need to rest. You can't go cavorting around with the risk of you getting stressed again. Just relax, and I'll get some blankets and the crystal ball," Y/n said. They left the room before Eda could reply.

She sighed. Y/n was so nice. Maybe too nice for their own good, especially in a place like this. But she did find it cute that they were so worried about her. And Y/n was right, as much as she hated to admit. The curse was getting worse, and Eda needed to take it down a few notches for awhile. There was always that chance.


A few minutes later, Y/n came back carrying some pillows, a blanket, apple blood, and the crystal ball all in one. Eda grabbed a few things to help them out, despite their protests.

Y/n lay down next to the owl lady, putting a pillow behind them and Eda, and throwing a large fluffy blanket over the two.

They snuggled up together and began to watch crystal ball. There was some sappy romance show on.

"Oh Dollie! I was too late. I missed my chance to tell you... I LOVED YOU!" the character yelled out, sobbing.

It was honestly terrible. The crying was so fake, yuck. Eda blew a raspberry, rolling her eyes.

"Ha! Even me and you have a better romance than this. And we aren't even dating yet."

Yet. Y/n paused it for a moment, looking at Eda with a mixture of shock and flusteredness. "Yet?"

"Uhh, I mean-" Eda blushed a little, trying to think of something to say. Something so she wouldn't embarrass herself. At least not anymore than she already was.

"I- umm... I- I don't know-" Eda stuttered a bit.

"So the owl lady can get flustered huh? I knew you were soft deep down their," Y/n teased, lightly tapping just above Eda's chest. Eda blushed more.

"Heh. Yeah, maybe a little. So do you um-" she cleared her throat. "Like me-?"

"I mean, there's no reason I wouldn't," Y/n shrugged.

"Not even the curse?"

"What? Why would I not like you because of that dumb curse? That's not gonna change how I feel!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Well, thank Titan for that."

"Yeah, and thank you for giving me the best person I could ask for. You," they said, booping Eda's nose.

"Aww, thanks Y/n. That was sappy- but still, thanks."

"No problem, love."

A/N: I'm definitely getting better at writing these faster, and figuring out plots. Hope you enjoyed, and have a great day/night! ☄

P.S: ⚠ Warning! One-shot storms suspected to approach. More information will be given later. ⚠


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