Philip x Witch!Reader (Tangled Style) (Romantic)

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Story: Y/n is stuck in a tower because of their adoptive mother, and Philip climbs up their to escape rogue witches. There he meets Y/n and helps them get out of the tower. (Tangled)

P.S. Y/n doesn't have 70 ft long hair in this lol + Pascal is replaced by their palisman (armadillo lizard) Ace. In this Philip is more concerned with surviving than trying to manipulate and or kill people.


Y/n sighed and leaned on the window sill, watched the clouds float by. They were so bored, being stuck in the tower all day, every day. Mother never let them outside, and she left often on trips to run errands or whatever. Honestly, Y/n was happy she left. She was so discouraging to them and often made cruel jokes about them.

Ace hopped up on the window sill and chirred at Y/n. They smiled and scratched his small head. The little lizard yawned.

"Me too, bud. I wish I could get out there and at least touch a tree or something-" they sighed. Y/n walked over to the wall and examined it.

"Hmmm, this wall is looking a bit empty, wouldn't you say Ace?" They asked their palisman. He chirped and nodded his little head.

Y/n looked at their paintbrushes and other supplies. "Let's do a little decorating to keep us occupied."


Philip ran behind a tree, trying to hide from the witches. He tried to catch his breath, knowing it wouldn't be long before he had to run again. He looked out from behind the tree, looking for any sign of them. He could hear them, but he couldn't see them. The human looked around frantically, looking for a better place to hide. He was near a large rock wall, and saw a cave entrance with vines hanging low over it.

Philip looked around again before making a run for the cave. He pushed through the vines and turned to make sure he wasn't followed. He heard them close, but they seemed to have walked right past the cave. He sighed in relief. He checked to make sure he still had everything in his satchel. Journal, food, water.. everything looked to be in order.

The reason he was running was simple. He may have stolen a bit of food and accidentally broken a few items, so the witches got mad and started to chase him. He hated this place, he could barely survive.

Philip took a few deep breaths and looked around the cave. He just then noticed another entrance further down. Perhaps it wasn't a cave, but a tunnel? He walked over to the entrance, cautiously peeking through the vines. He saw a tall tower sitting in the middle of a clearing. He knew he really shouldn't, but he knew he had to lay low for the time being.

He walked into the clearing, wondering if someone lived here. It was well kept, and quite beautiful. Philip scanned the tower with his eyes. How the heck was he going to get up there? He then remembered he had a few daggers with him. He pulled them out and stuck them into the wall of the structure, using them to pull himself up. He scaled the wall to a window, where he climbed through.

He looked around. 'How curious,' he thought. It was a dimmed room. He slowly shut the window shutters and walked further into the room. It seemed to be inhabited, but it didn't look like anyone was there at the moment. He finally relaxed, but just for a moment. He felt a sharp pain to the back of his head before everything went dark.


Y/n stood over him with a frying pan, looking a bit freaked out. Some random guy just snuck into the tower. They thought this place was extremely secluded, so how did this guy find it? Ace sat on their shoulder, looking at the stranger. He hopped down and sniffed at him.

"Who the heck is this guy..?" Y/n kneeled down next to the strange man and studied him. He was actually pretty attractive. Y/n didn't even notice his round ears. They hoped they hadn't done too much damage when they hit him the frying pan. Unless he was a bad guy. Then they were happy.

Y/n nudged him a bit. Yep, he was out cold.

"What should we do with him, Ace?" They asked their palisman. The lizard chirped and turned around in a circle.

"Good idea. Just in case-" Y/n stood up and got a chair. They used a bit of magic to lift him onto the chair and tie him up with rope.

"Hopefully Mother won't be back for awhile.. if she saw this, she would flip out," Y/n said. The man stirred and Y/n jumped. They panicked.

"Uhh-" they picked up Ace and hid, clutching their frying pan.

Philip blinked awake and looked around. He tried to stand up, confused. He was unable to stand up, he realized. Who tied him up? He looked around.

"Hello? Uhh- sorry for the intrusion-" he said kind of loudly so whoever was their could hear him. "I uh, just needed a place to stay for a bit-"

"Who are you?" Y/n asked, watching him from the shadows.

Philip looked around, trying to located the person. He tried to think whether he should tell the stranger his name. Ah, screw it.

"I'm Philip Wittebane. Local human, you know-" he laughed nervously. He hoped this person didn't rat him out to anyone.

"Human.." Y/n's eyes widened. They hadn't even noticed. Ace looked up at the witch.

Y/n slowly came out from hiding, still holding their frying pan. Ace sat on their shoulder, trying to make himself look potentially threatening.

"Why are you here?" They asked.

Philip blinked in surprised when the witch stepped out from the shadows. "Uh, I was just looking for a place to stay for a bit. Other people don't usually take kindly to me, so they chased me all the way out here-"

"Why don't they like you?" Y/n asked, glancing to the side nervously. They pointed the frying pan at him. "Are you a criminal?"

Philip tried to lean back. "Watch where you're pointing that- and no, not really. I may take like, an apple without paying once in awhile, but only because nobody will pay me any money for me to afford it," he explained.

Y/n lowered their frying pan. On one hand, he could be telling the truth. On the other hand, he could be lying. They narrowed their eyes at him, unsure. They decided to trust him, but cautiously. Y/n drew a spell circle and released the ropes that held him.

Philip looked at them graciously and stood up. "Where's my satchel?" He asked, realizing it wasn't on him.

"I hid it. Just in case-" Y/n answered.

"Is it in that vase?" He pointed at a large vase on the floor.

"Damn-" they muttered. Philip retrieved his satchel and walked over to the witch. They eyed him, uncertainty in their gaze as he approached them. He opened his satchel and held it out to them.

"See? No valuables stolen."

They looked in the bag, seeing their was nothing expensive. They saw daggers, but they were told it was normal for people to carry weapons in case of being attacked by dangerous people or creatures. That's why they carried a frying pan for self defense.

"Now, I don't believe I got your name," Philip said, closing his satchel and putting it on.

"I'm Y/n." They introduced themself. Philip took their hand and gingerly placed a kiss on it.

"Pleasure to meet you, Y/n."


A/N: I'm making this into multiple parts because it got really long lol. Y/n isn't lost royalty in this or anything, it's really just Y/n and Philip escaping the tower and having a bit of fun together. Hope you enjoyed!

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