Collector x Human!Reader (R or P) - So Many Games

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Requested by UNKNOWNisaARTIST

Story: Y/n stays behind in the demon realm to fulfill their deal with Collector. Fun takes them by surprise.

"I'm sorry Luz. Not this time. But at least I can keep you safe," Y/n said. Luz tried to grip their arm tighter, tears forming at her eyes.

"No!" Luz cried, trying to hold on for a little longer.

"Luz, I'm so happy I had you as my best friend," they smiled, broken-hearted but bravely. They pulled out a glyph that they had discovered earlier. It was a wind spell. They activated it, and it sent the gang all flying backwards, excluding King who had also stayed.

"Y/n! King!" They heard Luz' voice one more time before the portal door slammed shut and shattered.

"Goodbye, Luz," they said to nobody.

Suddenly, Y/n and King were dragged up into the air. Collector put an arm around them both and spun around.

"I'm free! I'm finally free! Oh this is the happiest I've been in forever and ever!" They exclaimed.

"So tell me about your game, guys! 'The Owl House', right?" He floated crisscross-applesauce in front of them.

"Y/n, King!" Lilith called out, flying up to one of the bones with Hooty.

"What's happening?!" Hooty cried out to them.

"I don't know who you are, but stay away from my family!" Lilith demanded and they began to fly up together.

"Hey! Those are my best friends you're talking to! Hands off!" Collector yelled and summoned a little moon. He threw it at the two and it hit Hooty, turning him into some kind of toy.

"Hootsifer!" Lilith exclaimed as she began to fall backwards. Then another moon was thrown and it hit Lilith, turning her into a puppet too.

They disappeared with a blue glow.

"What the heck, Collector! We can play the game but you can't hurt people!" Y/n said.

"But they're not hurt, they're safe up there, in the archives!" Collector pointed to a round structure floating up above, in the shape of a crown.

"Now come on! Let's play!" Collector grabbed both of his new friends' hands.

Down below here the catastrophic event had occurred, Eda and Raine awoke. They smiled at each other for just a moment, but they soon noticed that something else was happening.

The two witches looked towards the sky and saw King, Y/n and some other being twirling in the sky, a sort of cosmic, colorful blast coming from them. Raine and Eda nodded at each other.

Eda went into harpy mode, towering above her normal height. Raine's eyes went wide, and their face heated up at the sight. Then the harpy took off, flying as fast as she could to get her kids.

But as she got closer, she began to slow down and feel more tired, and anger rose up in her body. She ended up falling onto one of the rocks that had been floating in the sky.

Eda grabbed for an elixir, but the bottle was empty. Oh sh-

"Hey!" Someone said. Eda looked up, and saw the Collector, Y/n and King on his left side, clinging to the powerful being. "You look fun! Wanna play?"

Then she lost control. Eda fell unconscious as the Owl Beast took over, ready to attack the Collector. But he easily trapped her in a net, sending her up to the castle too.

King and Y/n exchanged a scared, sad, and tired glance.


It was almost a month since Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus and Hunter had been pushed away from the demon realm. It didn't seem like there was much hope for the gang's return, especially since they didn't have any Titan blood.

Y/n was layed on their bed, reading a book to themself. They had to take a little break from all the playing. It was actually really fun, to be honest.

They would pretend to go on the adventures that they, Luz and King used to have. And sometimes they would play other games too, like giant jenga, and spaceball. It was like baseball, but with asteroids.

A few moments later, the door to the bedroom opened, and King and Collector floated down.

"Hi Y/n!" Collector greeted. "Still reading that book?" They asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah. It's actually really cool," Y/n said, putting a bookmark in, and closed it. They set it on the nightstand.

"But books are boring, why don't you come play with us next time?" Collector asked. "Pleeeeeeaaaase!" They begged.

"Yeah, sure," Y/n softly smiled at him.

"Yayyy!" Collector exclaimed.

"I think I'm gonna take a nap, though. That was a really intense game of jacks-" King said, climbing onto his bed, on the other side of Collector's. His bed was right in between Y/n's and King's.

"Aw, okay. Wanna come play with me now, Y/n? I'm not really tired yet, he said.

"I don't see why not!" They winked got out of bed. Collector giggled a bit Y/n and followed him out of the room.

"Goodnight King!" Y/n called back to the little Titan before the door shut.

King sighed, and looked at the book Y/n was just reading. He had never gotten the chance to see what it was before.

The Good Witch Azura.

A/N: It wasn't much of a oneshot, but I might make part two.

Also, thanks for 100k reads! This has been super fun to write so far. Some of these might be a few days apart, but my last day of school is tomorrow so I should have more time to write more oneshots.

Have a great day/night! ☄

Have a great day/night! ☄

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P.S: should I consider making a Hamilton oneshot book after this one is finished? Would y'all read that?

The Owl House x Reader One-Shots // StarRadio [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now