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    After the two had finished their dinner, Chu Yiheng was about to stand up from the chair to clean up the tableware and chopsticks on the table and send them to the kitchen for cleaning, but just as he moved, a white and tender palm was placed on the broad palm of the wheat color. The little hand looked up and met Gu Yao's smiling eyes.

    "Brother Yiheng, it's not too early, you go to take a bath first and then go to bed, and leave the washing up to me."

   The man heard the words, his black eyes looked straight at Gu Yao, as if To see through him, it seems that this person has changed a lot.

    I still remember one time before, this young master also said on a whim that he wanted to help himself wash the dishes, but after accidentally breaking two bowls and accidentally cutting his hands, he never said that he wanted to wash the dishes again.

    Gu Yao was stared at by the man's black eyes that couldn't help but make him addicted. At this moment, he felt that his true soul was about to be seen through, so he quickly looked away and asked innocently, "Brother Yiheng. , why are you looking at me like this, is there something on my face?"

    Chu Yiheng retracted his gaze from this person when he heard this, shook his head and said, "No, then you should be careful when washing dishes, don't scratched your finger again like the previous time."

    Gu Yao heard that the man was caring about him, nodded obediently and said ok.

    After watching Chu Yiheng walk into the bedroom, he began to put away the tableware and chopsticks on the table, carried them into the kitchen, picked up the plastic gloves on the sink, and the dishcloth that was stained with oil. Squeeze the dishwashing liquid on the tableware and wash it.

    After the dishes and chopsticks were washed, Gu Yao boiled another pot of boiling water, ready to pour a glass of water for the man and send it over.

    There is a pair of blue-pink couple cups in the cupboard, but he didn't plan to use them, because the original owner bought them. Although this |tool|body| is his own, Gu Yao will still have some pantothenic acid, and he feels that if he came early a little is fine.

    Holding the white|colored ordinary water glass in his hand, he came to the door of the bedroom of the two of them. Gu Yao stretched out his hand and knocked on the door politely.

    "Come in."

    A man's low voice came from the door.

    Gu Yao stabilized his mind, turned the doorknob, opened the door, and walked in.

    After walking in, he saw Chu Yiheng sitting on the bed wearing a simple cotton pajamas with a book in his hand.

    Gu Yao walked over to him and said, "Brother Yiheng, I poured you a glass of water. If you feel thirsty, you can drink it."

    Chu Yiheng heard the voice in his ear, raised his head from the book and looked in front of him Even under the generally bright light, he seemed fair-skinned and looked too cute to look at his young man, and suddenly felt a little dry for some reason.

    He stretched out his hand to take the water cup that Gu Yao handed over, opened his mouth to thank him and said, "Xiao Yao, you don't need to do everything for me in the future, I will do it myself, you just need to take care of yourself."

     As soon as Yao heard it, the smile on his little face just now disappeared, and the whole face was filled with the message that he was unhappy. He pursed his lips and refused.

    "How can this work, brother Yiheng, you work so hard every day, and you work hard to make money to support our small family. Compared with your hard work, everything you do, what do I do for these little things, and let's talk about the relationship between us. Is it a partner? And the most important thing is that I feel sorry for you."

    Before waiting for the man to answer, he added: "Okay, brother Yiheng, don't say anything, because these things are not negotiable.

   For the first time, seeing the stubborn temperament of the little boyfriend, the man finally smiled helplessly and said, "Well, but Xiaoyao, if you feel tired, tell me, and I will come to help. You're busy."

    Gu Yao smiled and said ok, then walked to the closet, took the clean clothes that the original owner had left here before, and went to the small bathroom next to him to take a shower.

    Fortunately, the original owner's taste in clothes was not much different from his own. It was all simple. If it was that kind of bells and whistles, he really couldn't accept it.

    With the quiet sound of the door closing, Chu Yiheng, who was sitting on the bed and was reading a book, felt that he couldn't read it anymore. His mind was full now. Today, his little boyfriend smiled at him, softly speaking to himself. Don't be angry anymore, act like a spoiled child with yourself, pour water for him to cook, and stubbornly say that you feel sorry for yourself with a small face.

    The man frowned tightly, feeling as if all of this was too strange, and his feelings towards that person had changed, which came too quickly and was somehow inexplicable. Originally, he just had a good impression of Gu Yao, and the loneliness in his heart made him feel strange. He agreed to this person's request to date, but now he seems to really like that person a little bit.

    Gu Yao, who was standing in the bathroom taking a shower, had no idea that he was thinking about the man's inner feelings. After taking a bath, he returned to the bedroom wearing the same pajamas as Chu Yiheng's.

    Seeing that the man was already lying down and sleeping with his eyes closed, he didn't mean to be shy at all, he just got into the man's bed, stretched out his arms to hug the man's generous back, and closed his eyes to sleep.

    Maybe it's because everything was too sudden tonight, now lying in the warm bed, Gu Yao fell asleep quickly, and he didn't see that after he fell asleep, the one he was holding should have been. The sleeping man turned around.

    Chu Yiheng lowered his eyes and looked at the young man with his hands still on his waist|. In the end, he didn't take the man's hand away. He just sighed lightly and let Gu Yao do it. He closed his eyes again and went to sleep.


I'm the protagonist's ex-boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now