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    After Gu Yao woke up from his sleep, he put on the clothes prepared by someone beside the bed for him, put on the brocade shoes on the ground with the same color as the clothes, and left the room where he was.

    After leaving the room, he did not see Lu Xingfeng's figure outside the door, but saw a tall, sturdy and handsome strange man in the courtyard.

    When the man saw Gu Yao, he nodded to him and said respectfully, "Young man, my subordinate is called Lu Yi, and the boss asked me to take you back."

    Gu Yao looked around after hearing this, but he still didn't look. When he arrived at the man's figure, although he was still a little unhappy, he didn't ask anything in the end, and left the Lu family behind this Lu Yi.

    After the carriage drove all the way back to Daxiang Village, before he got off the carriage, Gu Yao saw that a large number of people watching the opera had gathered in front of the broken house of his house, and he lowered the curtain and sneered.

    "Look, there's a carriage!" I

    don't know who said that in the crowd. I was still circling in front of Gu Yao's house and thinking about where this brother Gu was going. After hearing this sentence, all eyes were on it. They all looked at the expensive carriage that appeared in front of them.

    "Don't you think this is the Lu family's carriage?"

    It turned out that there was a word "Lu" on the side of the carriage, which represented that the carriage was officially the Lu family's carriage.

    "It's the Lu family's carriage, but how did this carriage drive here? Isn't this where Gu Ge'er's house is?"

    Could it be...

    These people all thought of an idea in their hearts, but then they all Shaking his head, how is this possible, then Brother Gu has already been rejected by Boss Lu, so how could Boss Lu let his servants drive him back in a carriage.

    But the next scene completely slapped these people in the face, because Gu Yao, who was dressed in a blue brocade robe, was completely different from the past and lifted the curtain of the carriage and walked down.

    They also found that today's Gu Yao is really a good-looking person, and they don't know if it is in line with the saying that people rely on clothes. Now Gu Yao is dressed in this outfit and looks like clothes made of high-quality materials, except for his face. In addition to looking pale, the whole person is set off like a little boy from a big family, looking really expensive.

    Gu Yao shunted the bench prepared by Lu Yi, and after getting off the carriage, he looked at the people who were watching, his lips curled into a smile and asked, "Aunts and uncles, if you don't go home, you all gather here in front of my house. What are you doing?"

    Although Gu Yao asked them with a smile, these people felt a little scared for no reason. In the end, the village chief of this village came out of the crowd while the villagers were escaping. An embarrassed smile appeared on the wrinkled face: "Gu Ge'er, we are not worried about you. Your auntie Wang saw that the door of your house was open when passing by your house in the morning, and you were not at home. Don't worry, I called us here, and I'm going to look for you everywhere."

    Gu Yao didn't say anything about the village chief's lame explanation, just walked towards them with a snort, and he didn't know if he thought of it. What, a sweet smile appeared on his little face: "Then you don't have to worry about me, aunties and uncles, last night I contracted the cold because of my hand injury, so I was sent to town by Lu Xingfeng, I stayed in the hospital until now."

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