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    After Gu Yaoren walked outside the palace, he could already see a lot of people standing there, and there were seven or eight carriages of various kinds around.

    When Gu Yao walked over, the people around him who were already talking had already noticed him. After all, among the faces of a group of Westerners, he, a person with an oriental appearance, certainly looked very special.

    Gu Yao didn't pay attention to the eyes of these people. He was only thinking about how to get the curse of the wizard from the mouth of the scum prince.

    The lover had already told himself that the reason for his curse was that a dark wizard had cursed his mother, and this curse was also brought on him when he was born.

    At this time, Esther did not know which servant heard the news of his return.

    Gu Yao just watched this man walk towards him with a smile on his face, and his tone sounded a little eager: "Gu Yao, you're back, are things going well at home?"

    Gu Yao didn't know who this scumbag prince was . He wanted to do something, but he thought it would definitely not be a good thing, so he remained silent, he nodded and replied quietly: "Well, the blessing of His Royal Highness, the matter has been done. "

    Ester heard the words and glanced at the young man in front of him. He didn't know if it was his own delusion. He always felt that this person looked better than before.

    "It's good that the matter is settled, then let's go in, the dance will start soon."

    Gu Yao nodded and followed Esther to the palace.

    As soon as the two of them left, the ladies and gentlemen who were still chatting outside from their homes, especially those ladies who looked very noble but actually had a heart of gossip, all gathered together one after another. , holding a paper fan in his hand, whispering.

    "Hey, Mrs. Ellie, do you know who the young man from the East was brought in by His Royal Highness Prince Esther?"

    "I don't know. It's the first time I saw this young man from the East. Looking at Prince Esther, I think he is a good friend with him.

    " "

    The other side has followed Esther to the hall of the palace, where there are already quite a few young dignitaries in suits and noble ladies in various beautiful dresses.

    One of them was a young lady in a red dress, with big wavy blonde hair and a fair and beautiful face. Gu Yao recognized it immediately after seeing it at a glance. This girl is the one who finally married this scumbag prince in the plot. The girl, but her final ending is not very good.

    The queen who looks beautiful and smart from the outside is actually a pure and kind-hearted girl. Unfortunately, in the end, she was slandered and framed among the concubines in the prince's harem. It's just a more stable position. Now that the position is stable, this woman has become dispensable.

    Gu Yao wants to be a good person by herself, and let her recognize the true face of this scum prince in the next days, so that she should give up on him.

    Esther brought Gu Yao to the front of these people and introduced them: "This is Gu Yao."

    "You guys talk first, I still have some things to deal with myself."

    After speaking, Esther left.

    Gu Yao stood there and felt the sight of him from all directions, and he was not panic at all. He let these people look at him inadvertently.

    A smile appeared on his fair and beautiful face: "Hello, my name is Gu Yao."

    These noble young ladies looked at this young Asian face and greeted them with a smile, more or less they felt a little bit. I'm sorry, after all, I was staring at others just now, and I was still suspicious. Because of this kind of thinking, they all introduced themselves to Gu Yao.

    For the next period of time, Gu Yao has been fighting with these people, and more importantly, he wants to see if he can ask some news about the dark wizard from the mouths of these people.

    Now where Gu Yao is, there is only himself and two young masters standing beside him. After seeing acquaintances, everyone else went to get in touch.

    Among the two noble young masters, a young man with red hair and a little freckles on his face was full of surprise when he heard Gu Yao said he wanted to inquire about the dark wizard.

    "Gu Yao, you inquire about what those people do. I told you that they are a very dangerous existence. We all want this kind of person to appear in our lives. It's really worth your while to inquire about it."

    Gu Yao did not Thinking that they are so afraid of this dark wizard, it seems that the matter of the lover's curse is really tricky, but he must not give up so easily.

    He lowered his eyes, and his voice sounded very fragile: "I know, but I can't help it, my lover has been cursed by the dark wizard since he was a child, because this curse has made him unpopular since he was a child, and he has to Enduring the endless pain, I looked at my heart... It was very uncomfortable."

    "Gu Yao, you..."

    After listening to Gu Yao's explanation, the two young masters understood that he did this for himself. Beloved, both of them have their own favorites.

    After thinking about it, if their beloved was in such a situation, then they would definitely try their best to save them just like Gu Yao.

    The red-haired man, Ike, approached Gu Yao a little and said with a voice that only two people could hear: "Gu Yao actually doesn't know much about the hey wizard, but you can Then find a suitable opportunity to ask Prince Esther, he, the man in the palace, must know more than us."

    Another young master Jamie also came over to tell him: "Ike is right, I didn't know. If I remember wrongly, there is also a book in the royal library that specifically explains things about dark wizards."

    Gu Yao nodded and said to the two people in front of him: "Thank you for telling me, as for today I asked you about the dark wizards. I hope you can help me hide this matter and don't tell others."

    Ike and Jamie both know their senses, and of course it's best not to say such things.

    "Gu Yao, you can rest assured about this, we are all people who know our senses and won't tell the fourth person."

    Gu Yao curled his mouth when he heard the words: "Ike Jamie is really thankful to you, then I'll go find Prince Esther first."

    After speaking, Gu Yao left to find Esther as he said.

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