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   The next day , Gu Yao woke up, and when he sat up from the bed, he found that he was the only one left in the whole bed. He reached out and touched his side, and the cold sheets predicted that the man leave early.

    I don't know why, suddenly Gu Yao's heart was inexplicably panicked, and he didn't care about anything. He didn't even put on his slippers, so he got out of bed, walked barefoot on the floor, walked to the door, and opened the door, and went outside to look for Chu Yiheng.

    In fact, everything yesterday was like a dream to him. He easily met the man he had been thinking about for a long time, and finally hugged that man in reality. All this was so unreal.

    After Gu Yao left the bedroom, he didn't find the man in the living room until he walked to the door of the kitchen, where he finally saw the familiar and tall figure, he was relieved and a little happy, it turned out that those were real, it's not that he was dreaming, he really saw this man!

    In the kitchen, Chu Yiheng was standing in front of the pot frying a poached egg. This was the reward he gave to his little boyfriend for his performance yesterday.

    The man threw the eggshell into the trash can, but found Gu Yao standing at the door. He was about to say something, but he saw this man who was just stepping on the floor without shoes. When the two fair feet outside were not big, his brows furrowed tightly, he turned off the gas stove first, and walked towards Gu Yao.

    When Gu Yao met Chu Yiheng's gaze, he knew that he had been discovered by the man, and his face didn't seem to be very good, and his eyebrows were almost wrinkled into a Sichuan character.

    He subconsciously took a few steps back, because Gu Yao felt that the reason why this person frowned seemed to be related to him.

    Chu Yiheng noticed Gu Yao's movements, and his face was not very good at first, and it was even worse, his eyes darkened, and he walked in front of the young man in a few steps, grabbing his hand with a tone of voice. Badly asked: "Why don't you wear shoes?"

    Gu Yao:? ? ?

    After being stunned for a few seconds, Gu Yao finally came to his senses. He looked down at his feet without shoes, smiled at the man with a guilty conscience, and said, "I forgot about that, I'll wear it now."

    After that, he turned around and wanted to go to the room to put on his shoes, but who knew that he was hugged by the man behind him before he took two steps.

    Gu Yao, who was caught off guard like this, fell into the man's generous and warm embrace, and his nose was also full of Chu Yiheng's body. It was the same smell I had in my dream before.

    Gu Yao misses greedily smelling this familiar smell, and his heart begins to feel sour, and tears begin to form in his eyes. He finally saw this person, and he really misses him, no one will understand that half a year, this person suddenly disappeared in his dream, what was his mood at that time, he was really hopeless at that time, and everything has changed for the better now.

    Chu Yiheng lowered his head and glanced at the young man who was in his arms, like a young man who was about to cry in the next second, his heart suddenly ached, but he didn't say anything, just put the most expensive person on the soft loveseat.

    When Gu Yao was put on the sofa by the man, the tears in his eyes were already held back by him, but his emotions were unavoidable, so he stretched out his hand and grabbed the sleeve of the man who wanted to leave, and looked up at him. He begged in a soft voice: "Brother Yiheng, can you... can't you leave?"

    This helpless picture seems to be the only one in this world that he relies on, and a man has never been in this young master's body| Seeing it last time, his indifferent heart softened unconsciously, he stretched out his hand and rubbed Gu Yao's small head, softened his voice and explained to him: "Xiao Yao, your feet just got dirty on the ground. Go and bring you hot water for you to wash."

    Eh, when Gu Yao heard the words, he also remembered how dirty his feet are now, so he let go of the man's sleeves and said to him very well-behaved: "Okay. Well, brother Yiheng, you have to come back quickly."

    Chu Yiheng responded and walked into the bathroom. After placing a pot of hot water in the water heater, he brought it to Gu Yao and put it down. He walked into the bedroom again, and put the towel for wiping his feet. After bringing the slippers together, he said to him: "I'll make breakfast first, Xiao Yao, just pour the water into the bathroom after you wash it."

    Gu Yao saw that the man had prepared everything for him, and felt warm in his heart again. Sweet and warm, he said hello to the man with a smile. When the man turned around and walked to the kitchen, he put his feet into the water with moderate temperature and began to wash it.

    After the man made breakfast and put them on the table one by one, Gu Yao had washed his feet and put on his shoes and socks, and put the water basin back, washed his hands and sat obediently in front of the table and waited. The men sit and eat together.

    Gu Yao was startled when he saw the poached eggs placed in front of him, and an idea suddenly popped up. He looked at the man and asked tentatively, "Brother Yiheng, how do you know that I like to eat poached eggs?"

    Chu Hearing this, Yi Heng said lightly, "I just think you'll like it."

    In fact, he didn't really know what his little boyfriend liked, because the food he cooked before, this little young master was just reluctantly ate. Today's poached eggs, when the man saw the eggs, he didn't know what was going on, he just thought that if he fried poached eggs, Gu Yao would definitely like it.

    Although there is only one explanation, Gu Yao's idea has been proved. In addition to all the familiarity before, and the original owner doesn't like to eat poached eggs at all, these all show that the current Chu Yiheng is indeed the one in his dream who fell in love with himself. His lover, maybe he came to these small worlds with him because he knew that he would come to him one day.

    Holding back the tears in his eyes that he had finally pulled back for him, Gu Yao smiled at the man and said, "Thank you, Brother Yiheng, I like poached eggs very much."

    Hearing him say this, the man's face also revealed a faint smile.

    "Xiao Yao, you can eat as much as you like."

    After the two of them had breakfast, Gu Yao sent the man who was going to work away, he raised his foot slightly and kissed the man's thin lips and said with a smile to the man, "Brother Yiheng, pay attention to safety along the way, I will do it at home. We'll have lunch with you when you come back."

    Knowing that the little boyfriend now likes men who depend on him, he nodded and said ok, then turned around and went to work.

    When he couldn't see the man, Gu Yao closed the door and returned to the room. He sat down on the sofa, thinking that although the lover in the dream didn't tell him his identity directly, but listening to his words, come to think of it he may not a simple person, otherwise how can he easily enter his dream.

    And his disappearance for half a year may have something to do with coming to these worlds with him now. He has to slowly find out the reason, and he must not put his lover in any danger.


I'm the protagonist's ex-boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now