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    After Gu Yao took out the key from the pocket of his clothes and opened the door, he walked in first, changed his slippers, looked at Leng Lie who was still standing at the door, and said hello, "Leng Lie, you are still standing there. What are you doing there, come in!"

    After speaking, he also took a pair of clean slippers from the shoe rack beside him.

    This pair of slippers, which are bigger than their own feet, was a gift from the original owner when he bought slippers online, and he did a buy-one-get-one-free event.

    But Gu Yao knew the reason, but Leng Lie didn't know. He looked at the pair of slippers on the ground and sneered in his heart. It seemed that this young master was still with other boys after playing with him. and let this man into a house he didn't even come into at the time.

    In my heart, the softness created by this person just let him come in and drink the juice has also dissipated without a trace.

    Gu Yao didn't know anything about all this. He was wearing cute and cool little yellow duck slippers, humming songs happily in the kitchen, pouring orange juice for his lover, and a glass of peach for himself. juice.

    After pouring the juice, he put straws in each of the two cups, and after holding them on a plate, Gu Yao walked out of the kitchen and looked at the boy standing there stupidly. My forehead, I was so stupid, I forgot to let my lover stand and sit down and wait.

    After Gu Yao was annoyed, he hurried over, put the juice on the coffee table, walked to his lover's side, and said to him: "Leng Lie, I have already poured the juice for you, don't stand there, sit down. Come down and drink."

    Lenglie lowered his eyes and looked at Gu Yao who was standing in front of him, nodded and sat down on the sofa.

    Gu Yao saw the man sit down, and sat beside him, and then handed him the glass of orange juice that was kept warm in the refrigerator.

    Leng Lie took the glass of orange juice that made him dizzy, and said to Gu Yao, "Thank you Gu Yao."

    After Gu Yao hummed, he also picked up his own glass of peach juice and drank it.

    The sweetness and coolness that poured into his mouth immediately made Gu Yao feel very comfortable and his mood became very good.

    As soon as he was in a happy mood, a small smile appeared between his eyebrows and his face, and his white and tender feet followed, and the slippers on his feet swayed. The whole person looked not only vivid but also very good-looking.

    After drinking the juice in his glass, Gu Yao quietly observed his lover out of the corner of his eyes, and saw that he was still drinking the juice. Feeling reluctant, he really wanted Leng Lie to stay with him tonight, if it would be raining now, then he would have a reason.

    "Boom, boom!"

    God probably really felt Gu Yao's strong desire, and it really started to rain, and the light rain at the beginning quickly turned into a heavy rain. It's impossible to get out of the house at all.

    "It's cold and raining."

    Gu Yao said calmly, but the joy hidden in that tone, only he knew.

    Leng Lie looked at the rain outside the window, and then Gu Yao, as if he had something to say.

    Before Leng Lie could speak, Gu Yao quickly shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Leng Lie, if you want to borrow an umbrella from me, then I don't have one at home now, the previous one was in me a few days ago. When I went out, it was accidentally blown by the wind, and it hasn’t rained in the past few days, so I forgot to buy a new one.”

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