4.7 (End)

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    After breakfast, Gu Yao looked at his lover's long hair, and said to him, "Brother Alie, there is still some time before class. Let's go to the barber shop to take care of your hair first, shall we?

    " Ayao, do you despise me and think I'm not worthy of you?"

    The tall boy sitting there said this with a pitiful look on his face.

    As soon as his lover misunderstood what he said, Gu Yao quickly explained: "Brother Alie, you misunderstood me, how could I despise you, but now you are not only hot in summer, but also the eyelashes on your forehead are too long, It will also block your sight."

    "So that's the case, then listen to you,

    Ayao." Leng Lie nodded to Gu Yao and concealed the smile in his eyes very well, sure enough, the little lover's The reaction has never let me down, and the look of hurriedly explaining to myself is really cute and tight.

    Waiting in a barber shop, Leng Lie sat there and let the barber cut his hair.

    After cutting the back hair, the barber saw the cold face and appearance, and exclaimed: "Little brother, if you cut a flat head with this face, you will definitely be handsome, and you will definitely fascinate a group of young people. Girl."

    Leng Lie heard the words just looked at Gu Yao who was sitting on the sofa at the back waiting for him, and asked him, "Ayao, what hairstyle do you want me to cut?"

    Gu Yao thought about it in his mind. Thinking that Leng Lie is at this age, cutting a board inch is the most spiritual and the most beautiful, so he replied: "Brother Alie, then you can cut a board inch, because I think your cutting board inch will definitely look good.

    " Okay, then I'll cut the board inch."

    "The haircut is cut off the board inch, I'm sorry, Master." The

    barber sighed. He took a look at the interaction between the two teenagers, and said with a smile: " You two brothers have a really good relationship, and you are also very handsome." He said in

    a cold tone, "I and he are not brothers."

    The smile on the barber's face froze, and he was about to say something to ease the atmosphere, when he heard the young man with fair facial features and delicate features, who was a young master, say, "Well, Master, me and him. It's not a relationship of brothers, it's a relationship of lovers."

    Now people of the same sex can also get married, so the barber was just stunned when he heard it, then returned to normal, smiled and praised the two, saying Some common words.

    After the two came out of the barber shop, Gu Yao looked at the time on his mobile phone and found that there were still twenty minutes before class. Fortunately, it was not very far from the school, so the two successfully rang the bell in class. When I walked into the classroom where I belonged.

    When the other students in the class saw the two appear together, their faces were not too surprised anymore. Who made Gu Yao, the young master, and the trash Leng Lie together again.

    But eh? ? ? Who is that tall and handsome boy with long legs? When did they have such a handsome guy in their class, is it a transfer student?

    When the little girls in the class stopped chatting, they put their hot eyes on this handsome guy, hoping to get his contact information.

    Gu Yao had a panoramic view of all this, and a trace of irony flashed in his eyes quickly, he held the hand of the young man beside him, and said to him with a smile: "Cold, it seems that we are not too late, but also There's no class."

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