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    Gu Yao looked at Lin Yue who was about to leave after thanking them again and asked aloud, "Sister Lin Yue, where are you going now?"

    Lin Yue originally wanted to say that she had already avenged her revenge and should go with her. Husband and children, but she could hear the real meaning of Gu Yao's words, and said vaguely: "I don't know that those people are now solved because of your help, maybe they are walking around."

    Gu Yao Wen Yan didn't mention it directly, he just curved the corners of his mouth: "Sister Lin Yue, I think your husband must love you very much, so I hope you will continue to live here with his share and your children's share. In the world."

    After saying this, he paused and said: "By the way, I have a present here that I haven't given to Sister Lin Yue yet. Sister Lin Yue, please come here."

    Lin Yue heard what Gu Yao said. After that, the words that her husband said to him before his death appeared in his mind.

    The handsome-looking man squeezed his wife's hand and showed her a weak smile: "Yueyue, if you can continue to live, I hope you can take me and our children's. Continue to live in this world."

    This made her suicidal heart become shaken, and after hearing Gu Yao's words, she quickly waved her hand and refused: "No, Gu Yao, you guys. I've helped me so much, how can I still ask for your gift."

    Gu Yao shook his head and got out of the car and came to Lin Yue: "In fact, it's not so much a gift for you, it's more that you deserve it. Yes, because it came from those people."    

Lin Yue stopped refusing as soon as she heard it, and under Gu Yao's instructions, she stretched out her hand, and then saw the young man tap on the palm of her hand. A little bit, the next second she felt something in her mind, it seemed to be an ability, because her body|body had changed.    

Gu Yao didn't want to hide her thoughts, and handed her a bottle of spiritual spring water from his backpack, while saying to her: "This is that Zhao Bing's ability, now it's yours, Sister Lin Yue. , and the water in it is very helpful for your physical recovery."

    Lin Yue took the water bottle and this ability. She is a smart person, so she did not ask Gu Yao how this ability was taken from Zhao Bing, and what kind of water this water was.

    "Thank you Gu Yao, I will remember everything you helped me today, and I won't say a word about the extra things."

    Gu Yao bent the corners of his mouth: "I didn't think you would, Sister Lin Yue. Saying these things, after all, in this world, only smart people will live longer."

    Although Gu Yao had thought about using the spiritual spring for others, it also depends on what kind of appointment it is, it's not meeting a person He will give it, even if he sympathizes with what happened to the Lin Yue family, it is not the reason for him to give it, and if Lin Yue will say this everywhere, she probably won't live to speak.

    Lin Yue also showed a shallow smile on her face: "Yes, then Gu Yao, I want to join your team, I wonder if there is a chance?"

    "I probably have to go back and ask me this question. Friends, after all, this matter is not something I can agree to alone."

    "That's natural."

    After Gu Yao and Lin Yue finished talking, they returned to the car and told Lu Mofang and Ren Yi to let Lin Yue Adding this thing to their squad.

    Lu Mo's face became a little ugly. He was sitting in the back seat, and he pulled the person over and successfully let him fall into his arms. A dangerous voice rang in Gu Yao's ear: "Xiaoyao, why are you so nice to that woman."

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