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    When Lin Shu woke up, he felt a throbbing pain in his head, and when the pain finally stopped, he finally saw where he was through the sunlight shining in from outside the house.

    This is a backward and shabby room, and he looked down at the clothes he was wearing now, the rough fabrics obviously did not belong to modern times.

    A trace of dissatisfaction flashed across his face as he tugged at his clothes. He really didn't expect that he would travel to such a poor place and this poor family.

    "Brother Shu, Brother Shu, are you awake yet!"

    The woman's loud voice suddenly came from outside the door, making Lin Shu's already unpleasant complexion even more ugly, and he also knew that he had to After replying , it would definitely be endless, so he opened his mouth and replied, "I'm up."

    After replying, Lin Shu stepped on a pair of shabby cloth shoes that were not really good, and dropped this piece of wood, which was also shabby. bed.

    "Ding Dong, take away the binding of the luck system."

    "Start the countdown to 3.2.1."

    The mechanical voice that suddenly sounded in his head made Lin Shu startled at first, but soon he seemed to think of something , After reacting, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked, "You...what are you?"

    A cold mechanical voice quickly replied in his mind: "As long as the host succeeds in robbing others of luck, he can exchange it in the system mall. Things."

    Lin Shu couldn't help but rejoice when he heard this, he knew that he must be the protagonist, so how could there be no golden fingers.

    From the system novels I read before, I learned to use my mind to continue to ask: "So what should I do to know which people have good luck."

    System: The host can now see the circle above everyone's head, black It means poor, white means average, red means super good luck, you can get 50 points in exchange for one white luck, and 200 points in red.

    After Lin Shu heard it, he was even more excited. He wished to go to the village where he is now to find someone with good luck. And then rob her of luck.

    But now he has a more important thing to do, and that is to find the brother named Gu Yao who was the most hated in the original owner's memory.

    Lin Shu also hates this kind of guy who stole the person he likes with just one face, because when he was in this world, a senior he had a crush on for a long time was killed by a good-looking, good-looking, rich family. The boys took it away.

    But at this time, Lin Shuan hadn't thought about it. Not only did the senior not know him, but he and the boy grew up together with the boy. How could he possibly compare this friendship.

    At this time, Gu Yao, who was eating a rich breakfast accompanied by Lu Xingfeng, bent his lips and came over, so it was time for a good show.

    Gu Yao's smile didn't miss Lu Xingfeng's eyes, his eyes flashed, but he didn't say anything, just picked up his chopsticks, took a bun for this man and put it in the small bowl in front of him.

    He didn't expect that a man would put a bun for him, and because of this joy, Gu Yao also put a pickled cabbage bun for his lover with a smile on his face.

    Lu Xingfeng looked at the sauerkraut buns in his bowl, and his heart softened inexplicably, but he didn't expect that he would still remember the taste he liked.

    For a while, the awkward atmosphere between the two suddenly became warm.

    "Gu Yao, Gu Yao!"

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