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    When Chu Yan was about to wake up, the first thing he felt was the familiar sweet smell between his nose. When he opened his eyes, he saw a person in his arms.

    Not only was this man in his arms, but his arms were still holding him tightly.

    Suddenly, the person in his arms moved, as if he was about to wake up, which made Chu Wang inexplicably feel a little nervous, and he subconsciously chose to close his eyes.

    After Gu Yao woke up from his sleep, he left his lover's arms and looked at the sleeping man, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

    His fingers lightly poked mischievously on Chu Wang's face, then passed him, put on his shoes and walked to the bathroom.

    What he didn't know was that as soon as he walked into the bathroom with his forefoot, a man pretending to be asleep opened his eyes immediately and sat up straight from the bed.

    Thinking of Gu Yao's intimacy with him just now, Chu Fang's mood inexplicably became a little better, so it seemed that he still liked him.

    Oh, very good anyway, since I saw this person yesterday, I have become strange, and I take the opportunity to say that it is also good to keep him.

    Besides, doesn't Gu Yao like money? When this strange feeling is gone, I will give this person a lot of money, presumably he will be satisfied.

    正在浴室洗漱着的顾尧完全不知道,这个世界的爱人不仅性格傲娇的很, 智商也低下了,要是他知晓男人此刻心里的想法,肯定会二上不说的先狠狠地将人揍Last meal, and then teach and teach well.

    When Gu Yao, who had washed up, came out of the bathroom, when he saw that the man who was supposed to be sleeping on the bed had disappeared, he didn't need to think about it carefully.  

  He looked down at his clothes. Except for the short shorts inside, he only had a man's short sleeves on the outside, which was enough to cover his butt|stock|.     Gu Yao didn't put on the black pants either, he just opened the bedroom door and walked out.

    When he opened the door, he happened to bump into Chu Wang who came out of the bathroom.

    When Chu Juan saw Gu Yao dressed like this and walked out, almost in an instant, he got up again in a place where he had been suppressed by him just now.

    Of course, Gu Yao did not miss the change in a man's body | on |, he walked over to his lover with a smile on his beautiful face, and then...

    "Let me help you, brother Chu Fang, so that you can also You don't have to bear it anymore, right?"

    Even if they had a short relationship before, Gu Yao didn't let him help Chu Hua, but at this time, he nodded in a mysterious way.

    Seeing this, Gu Yao's smile deepened, and he started his own way of helping his husband.

    After everything was over, Gu Yao stretched out his hand, which had been washed clean by the man, in front of Chu Fang, and asked him confidently, "My hands are sore now, brother Chu Fang, rub it for me."

    No Naturally, Chu Fang, who had been relieved from his comfort zone, would not refuse to agree to such a small request. He held the white and soft little hand that was much smaller than his own, and gently rubbed it.

    After his hands were no longer sore, Gu Yao told the man everything that happened last night.

    "Brother Chu Fang is like this. When Lin Cheng sent you back, I happened to open the door, so he saw me."

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