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    Ye Su couldn't hear Gu Yao's words clearly because of his brain collapse, but the other team members present, all of whom were also superhumans, naturally heard it, and they all glanced at Ye Su's direction with some sympathy. He, after all, they all knew that they had liked the captain for a few months, but now they don't even think about it.

    Gu Yao watched the attitudes of these people in the lover's team, and when he saw a young man with yellow hair cast some disgust at him, he sneered in his heart.

    In these virtual worlds, the only thing he cares about is his lover. As for these people, they are NPCs. If they don't come to provoke him, they can get along peacefully. You're welcome.

    Gu Yao walked over to the five people and smiled politely at them: "Everyone will be teammates in the future."

    When his voice fell, the yellow-haired youth who couldn't stand it took the lead: "Who are you? Teammate, it's just a space power user and not a very powerful power, Ye Su is also, but he is much more powerful than you, so you are still..."


    Xu Qiu heard the yellow-haired youth. When he spoke, he knew it was going to be bad, so he quickly interrupted his next words, because their captain's face was already very ugly.

    However, it is not unreasonable for Dazhu to say that space ability users are not as rare as they were at the beginning of the end of the world, but there are quite a lot of them, and their space has no other function other than being able to put things. Now, the basic space ability user's space is not only small, and the time to store food is not long. They were able to accept Ye Su's basic friend because of his large space, and the food stored for a long time.

    Gu Yao didn't interrupt the big pillar when he was talking, but he was smiling politely just now, but now that pretty little face has become extremely cold: "So what am I? You? Then I said I'm listening, and I'm just telling you out of politeness, as for whether you will accept me or not, that's your business, and I will join this team entirely because of Brother Amo, after all, if he hadn't created it This team, even the two of us can live well here.

   The implication is that you are the so-called burden!

    Gu Yao is doted on by his family in reality, and he was also doted on by his lover in the previous world. His temper is spoiled and spoiled, and so is the world, so when he has the ability, he will not aggrieve himself.

    Those people didn't expect Gu Yao to say this, even the big boss who felt resentful for Ye Su before. Zhu didn't speak anymore, because he couldn't refute anything.

    Gu Yao saw that these people didn't speak anymore, and was very satisfied with the impact he had caused. Just as he was about to say something to his lover, he saw someone who had recovered The man walked towards him, showed him a smile that could be called a prosperous white lotus with that delicate little face, and said, "Brother Gu, I welcome you to join our superpower team, and also Sincerely wish you and Mexico together.

    Gu Yao sneered when he heard the words, looked straight at him and said, "Really ? Ye Su, is this really your truth? Aren't you supposed to hate my itchy teeth right now? After all, you used a trick to make Brother Amo break up with me, and they separated. I think you should be surprised to meet me here. "

    Before waiting for Ye Su to say anything, Gu Yao said again: "Ah, let me guess, maybe you didn't want to let Brother Amo leave here, just to stop contacting me."

    Gu Yao was thinking first After getting the magical spiritual spring water in Ye Su's space, he would tear him apart. After all, from his perspective, Ye Su did use the spiritual spring water to liberate this apocalypse, but that was also under favorable circumstances, and it was still those The powerful people were the first to get it. As for ordinary people before the end of the apocalypse, Ye Su did not take them seriously. Even in a zombie wave, ordinary people from a city were used to send them into the mouths of zombies. , is for the so-called buying time, so this spiritual spring is not worthy of a person like him.

    And now Ye Su is still talking nonsense to him with such a bitch | angry voice and that white lotus face, his temper is really unbearable!

    Ye Su didn't expect that Gu Yao would tell the things that the two of them knew, as well as the things that he planned on him at the beginning, and he was a little flustered for a while. He looked at Lu Mo, who had the same cold face, and explained anxiously. He said ,

    "Brother Mo, listen to my explanation. It's not what Gu Yao said. You have to believe me."

    Although Lu Mo didn't understand why his little lover suddenly wanted to tear off Ye Su directly, but he spoiled his lover, Of course, it was to help him, so after hearing what Ye Su said, he frowned and said, "Ye Su, Xiao Yao has already told me everything about you, so I don't want to hear what you have to say." Did you say everything?

    Then the relationship between him and Gu Yao, as well as the things that were calculated against him before, Lu Mo, the man, also knows all about it? Ye Su stood there for a moment with his head lowered, no one knew what he was thinking.

    Just the moment he raised his head again, he put a smile on his face and said to Gu Yao: "Well, I admit now that I'm not sincere, because Gu Yao, you also know that I like Brother Mo, and I've liked it since before. In addition, I haven't lost this battle yet, you have to be careful with me in the days to come, or else Mo Ge will be robbed by me one day, and you can only cry."

    Gu Yao felt this way about Ye Su . Calm's attitude of declaring war on himself was a little surprised, but he wanted to use this language to stimulate his anger, hehe, this move was okay for the original owner, but it was impossible for him,

    "Since you have that time Come and declare war with me, then come, but I kindly advise you, no matter how you do it, it is a waste of time, because my Gu Yao's corner is not something that a cat or a dog can pry."

    "Brother Amo, you will. Do you like Ye Su?"

    Lu Mo didn't even look at Ye Su when he heard this, but looked at Gu Yao with a tender expression on his face and said, "I only like you, Xiao Yao."

    Ye Su was caught by Lu Mo. He refused so thoroughly without showing any affection, and hated him in his heart, but he still would not give up Lu Mo, because this was his obsession from two lifetimes, and how could Gu Yao? Seeing him with his own eyes once again has happiness.

    And those teammates had already known Ye Su and the captain's lover Gu Yao before. It was he who framed the two of them to break up and separated, and now he is a lifeless public challenge. In this big melon, it was transferred to their captain's iceberg face. Gentle pampering and love words in the mouth.

    ! ! ! Are they still awake today, or is this apocalypse already so mysterious? ? ?


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