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    After Gu Yao swam all the way to the cave house where his lover lived, following the memory of the original owner, when he saw the familiar and tall figure, he rushed over and hugged him tightly from behind.

    "Fanjiu, I'm back, do you miss me?"

    The only good thing in the current timeline is that the two haven't said anything about breaking up, so Gu Yao just pretends not to know anything and continues to be sweet with his lover Honey will do.

    The cold voice of the man he hugged rang out in the next second: "His Royal Highness, are you still having fun in the human world?"

    Gu Yao rubbed his back behind him and replied in a soft voice, "No. How fun, but I successfully entered the palace of the human prince, and I was invited to a dance three days later."

    Fan Jiu didn't know what was going on with him now, he only thought about how Gu Yao would treat others When a man has a good impression, he is jealous in his heart, but he hides it very well, and all the emotions in his heart are suppressed by him, but he calmly said to the person behind him: "You have always wanted to meet human beings. This is a very good opportunity.”

    Although his lover’s tone sounded calm as if nothing had happened, as his lover, how could Gu Yao not hear that it was hidden under calmness 's anger.

    He loosened the man's waist, turned to come to him, and looked straight at the man's pair of green eyes that were different from his black hair, like emeralds.

    It's just that when he saw his lover's face, he was stunned, because the man's always beautiful face, on his left cheek, had a scar that looked like it had been burned by fire. Fan Jiu's face became a little hideous.  

  Fan Jiu clearly saw this man looking at his cursed face, his eyes flashed with a stunned look, but his irritable tone was calm and secretly taunted and asked: "What? Your Royal Highness the little prince. Are you afraid?"

    Speaking of his face, he really didn't let this person see it, otherwise he would have been scared and ran away, how could he have come to look for him, and told him that the two would become partners in the future.

    Fan Jiu thought to himself, he didn't believe it at the time, and he doesn't believe it now.

    After hearing the man's question, Gu Yao came out of his own thoughts, and then watched the man shake his head, his fingers touched his left cheek lightly, and said distressedly, "Brother Fanjiu, you must have been at that time. It hurts a lot, if only I knew you at that time, and I will definitely protect you."

   There are so many plots, so Gu Yao really didn't know that his lover would suffer such a serious injury. Wouldn't it have been possible to stop it if I had come earlier?

    Fan Jiu listened to what this man said, and the distress that could not be concealed in his eyes and face, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, because this man did not have the disgust and shouting he had imagined to leave, but Are you feeling sorry for yourself? distressed? The little prince was trying to play some tricks.

    When he went to the shore to look for someone two days ago, when he saw this person smiling sweetly at the human prince and full of love in his eyes, he knew that the so-called wanting to visit the human world is just an excuse, the real purpose Just following this human man.  

  Well, I want to see what tricks you can come up with, Fan Jiu thought to himself, and a miserable smile appeared on his face: "I have been wearing it since I was born, this is a curse, there is no way to do it. lifted."  

  Curse? Gu Yao already knew that he was in a magical world, he thought of his golden finger, held his lover's hand and comforted: "Vanjiu, you don't have to worry, I will definitely find a way to solve your curse.

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