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    "Prince Esther."

    Esther was drinking red wine and chatting with two princes from neighboring countries. At this moment, he heard a voice behind him. He turned his head and saw Gu Yao's handsome face. A smile appeared on his face: "It's Gu Yao, what's the matter with coming to me?"

    Although Aster's smile is considered a handsome smile in the eyes of others, he already knew his scumbag attributes. Gu Yao seemed to be greasy and nauseated at noon.

    He concealed the disgust and coldness in his eyes very well, but he looked pitiful in front of him: "Those young masters and young ladies have all found their own social circles, only I myself don't know anyone here, so I came here to find you, Prince Esther, but it looks like I disturbed you, Prince."

   I have to say, Gu Yao's pitiful and helpless appearance made Esther a macho heart, He was greatly satisfied, he lightly sipped the red wine in his hand, and said with a sigh: "Gu Yao, what are you talking about, you and I are friends, so how can you disturb me? What."

    After speaking to Gu Yao, Esther said to the two princes beside him: "Wal, Shake, let me introduce to you, this is my friend Gu Yao."

    "Gu Yao is this The two princes of the Sunset Empire and the Great Tan Empire, Huaershak."

    With the thought that one more person can be used, Gu Yao rushed to the two red-haired and purple-haired people in front of him after hearing the words. Called a handsome man, he smiled and said, "Prince Wall, Prince Shake, how are you? It's a pleasure to meet you."

    Shake was the first to react. When the young man who looked like an elf came over, he couldn't take his eyes off of him, because he was so beautiful, he had never seen such a good-looking man before.

    "Hello, Gu Yao, I am also very happy to meet you."

    After him, Hua Er also reacted and said something to Gu Yao.

    Gu Yao wanted to learn more about the dark wizard from them, and the three of them naturally chatted and laughed for a while, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

    This made Esther on the side look uncomfortable, because he knew very well in his heart that Gu Yao actually admired him, even in love, don't think that when he looked at him, the eyes The expression I do not understand.

    After the dance was over, Esther became more annoyed when he walked in the garden, he stopped and looked at Gu Yao behind him and said, "Gu Yao, do you like to have Hua Er and Shake come here? Be your friend? Don't want to be my friend anymore?"

    Gu Yao was thinking that he would be able to meet his relatives later, when he suddenly heard what Ester said, and was speechless by the strong vinegar smell in his tone. Question me with this tone of intimacy between us! You scumbag!

    In his heart, Gu Yao said with some doubts: "Prince Esther, why do you say that? You should also know very well that when I came here, the first friend I met was you. And you take care of me so much."

    "As for Prince Wall and Prince Shake, they didn't meet when I was looking for you in the past. If they don't pay attention, they will misunderstand me as an irrational person. That's all, but it would be bad for them to misunderstand Prince Esther."

    After saying these words, Gu Yao felt that this scumbag should believe it, after all, saying these things made him sick and bad.

    As Gu Yao thought, he not only believed it, but also believed it completely. The feeling of suffocation in his heart was not only gone, but also full of emotion. Sure enough, he said it himself, Gu Yao has him in his heart. Yes, the moment I did it was also because of myself.

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