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    Since then, Qingyue, a woman who often goes to the theater, seems to be walking around with a middle-aged fat man. In this case, she has a better chance than seeing her in the theater. more.

   In a jade shop, there is a beautiful young woman in a pink brocade dress. She is holding a high-quality jade bracelet in her slender and white hands. This woman is none other than Boss Jia's concubine. Earthly Moon.

    Qingyue played with the jade bracelet in her hand, and asked the middle-aged man beside her with joy, "Master, do you really want to buy this jade bracelet and give it to me?"

    Boss Jia held Qingyue's slender jade hand. In his hands, the pair of eyes that were not very large at the moment because of some kind of love, squinted with laughter: "Yes, Haoyu is of course to match a beauty, Qingyue, you are so good-looking, my lord, I Don't give it to me, who do you give it to."

    Boss Jia saw this beautiful woman from the first time he saw Qingyue in the theater, but at that time, the young master of the Cheng family also watched her play every day, and he also warned that The head of the theater, so he didn't do it. Now it's okay. Then Cheng Wen went home and got married, and he never came to the theater again. Such beautiful beauties belong to him alone.

    The woman's face became even more shy when she heard this: "Master, thank you Qingyue."

    At this time, the second son of the jade shop rang out: "Young Master Cheng, Mrs. Cheng Shao, you are here. We have already prepared the customized things for you."

    Qingyue, who was about to wear a jade bracelet on her wrist, was stunned when she heard Xiao Er's words, but she quickly realized that after wearing the jade bracelet, Turning his head and looking at Boss Jia, he said coquettishly, "Master, I have chosen, and I want this."

    As soon as the beauty acted like a spoiled child, Boss Jia lost his resistance. He smiled and said ok, and let the servants behind him pay the money, then he walked outside with his arms around Qingyue's slender waist.

    When passing by the pair of "Bi people" who were well-matched, Qingyue felt that familiar gaze, and tugged at the corner of her mouth slightly sarcastically, without looking over there, after all, they were not the same people.

    Just like this, the scene changed, now it is more than ten years later, Qingyue has gone from a concubine who did not even have a sedan wedding to her first wife, to the death of Boss Jia, to become the most powerful local hostess of the Jia family. , and even out-of-town businessmen know her reputation.

    At this moment, the Cheng family was also under her pressure, and gradually became incapable until it declined.

    At the age of 30, Qingyue's appearance still looks the same as when she was young, and it has become even more dazzling because of her charm. Today, she is wearing that red costume and a pair of red embroidered shoes. Home, I saw the only eldest young master of the Cheng family still alive in this world, Cheng Wen, the unscrupulous person back then!

    When she saw Cheng Wen sitting on the sofa with a pale face, she smiled coldly: "Cheng Wen, I said that one day I will make you regret it."

    Cheng Wen, who was already seriously ill, smiled: "Qingyue is this It's the first time I've seen you in more than ten years, it's so nice."

    Qingyue stretched out her nails painted with Kou red, pulled the broken hair that fell from her ears, and sneered: "I also feel very good, After all, you are about to die, and everything in your Cheng family will be accepted by me."

    After she finished speaking, she went out without seeing the disappointment and love in the eyes of the handsome man behind her.

    Another picture ends, and the next picture appears of a woman with loose hair, staring at the one in front of her, which is not very big, with a wooden box engraved on it, in a daze.

    I saw her whispering to the box: "Wenwen, you just died like this, so what is the purpose of everything I've done all these years?"

    As she moved slightly with excitement, the candle on the table was smashed to the ground by the woman, and soon everything in the room was burned one after another, and the fire gradually became bigger and bigger, and even the whole room.

    And Qingyue, a legendary woman, also disappeared in the fire. As for the wealth she left behind, she had donated all of it to help those poor people before her death.

    The picture ended here, but in front of Gu Yao and the others, the voice of the woman named Qingyue and the red|color|figure appeared again.

    I saw her walking slowly towards the three of them, and then she pointed her finger at Fang He, who was sitting at the very edge. Fang He soon reached the woman's side, and the whole person fell into a coma.

    Gu Yao became a little anxious when he saw his friend in distress. He wanted to contact the system, but found that the system could not be contacted at all now, and he couldn't help but feel remorse in his heart. It seemed that he should not rely on the system so much, and his own ability was even more so. It can't work in this kind of environment, after all, the person in front of him is neither a zombie nor a human, but a ghost.

    The woman's fingers swiped lightly on Fang He's face, but her voice was full of malice: "He is your friend, right now, I'm going to make a bet with the two of you, and if I win, I'll let you go. , if you lose, the three of you will have to commit suicide in front of me."

    Gu Yao heard that and Lu Mo looked at each other, knowing that there was no way to deal with this ghost girl now, so he could only nod in agreement.

    With the woman's start, the two fell into a coma at the same time in the next second.

    Looking at Lu Mo and Gu Yao who had passed out of coma, Qingyue looked up at the dark night without the slightest stars and moonlight, and said softly, "Love is the most fake thing in the world, it will shatter when you touch it, and there is no such thing as The story of a pair of so-called lovers who can escape from me."

    The author has something to say: Shouhui will grow up step by step, and

    try not to rely entirely on the system in the future (?ω??)

    But it is still sweet and sweet ( ̄y▽  ̄)~*

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