6.1 The actor's ex-boyfriend

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    Shining five-color lights, playing the most popular music in the bar.

    A man in his early thirties, wearing a suit, was standing in the corridor of a row of high-end boxes. He was facing a young man in front of him who couldn't see his face with his head down. He said in a bad tone. talking.

    "Gu Yao, listen carefully, this is your last chance. If things don't work out today, don't you blame the company for being cruel to hide people in the snow?"

   The young man nodded.

    Seeing him being so obedient, the man's face looked better, and he was just about to take someone to the innermost room where many big bosses came tonight.

    At this time, a somewhat familiar man's voice came from behind. When the agent who brought someone here to pimp, turned his head and saw the person coming, his face that had been better just now turned ugly again.

    But for the sake of a company, he still said hello, "Brother Li, it's such a coincidence."

   Li Yuegang told the few people he brought over tonight, and when he saw the person who was talking to him, his face showed a trace of disdain. Lai: "Who am I supposed to be, it turns out to be Xiao Zhao, why did you bring someone here today, but the one you brought was not the one who made a fool of himself in front of President Chu some time ago.

    "How dare you bring him here today? Aren't you afraid that President Chu will be angry when he sees it? "

    When it comes to this matter, Zhao Dong is also a little puzzled. He didn't know why when he saw Gu Yao, he agreed to bring him here today. He was planning to bring another artist under his command before, but now everyone has already I brought him here, and there is no time for him to find someone again.

    As for the artist who is more popular than himself, he can only smile and say, "It's not a small Gu, he already knows it's wrong, so I I brought him here today to apologize to President Chu. "

    Li Yue heard the words and glanced at the young man who had been standing there without any movement since just now, snorted coldly, and left with his own people without speaking.

    Zhao Dong was naturally annoyed when he was treated like this, and he no longer had a good temper when he treated Gu Yao, so he whispered angrily at him: "Stupid standing there, what are you doing, don't hurry up and catch up."

    Bring someone here. After arriving at the door of the box, there was another collision with Li Yue and the others.

    But Li Yue didn't want to waste time here and make trouble with these useless people. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, made a call and said a few words over there.

    "The horse is always me, Li Yue."

    "Yes, I brought you the person you want. Now we're outside the door."

    After hanging up the phone, the box door clicked the next second. Get up and be opened from the inside.

    A fat middle-aged man in a suit looked at the young men and women with beautiful faces, nodded with satisfaction, and said to Li Yue, "You can let people in."

    Li Yue responded . He let the few people he brought over walked into the house one after another, and Gu Yao also let Zhao Dong take the opportunity to walk inside, and told him a few words.

    A total of five people, Jia Guyao, walked into the private room one after another. Not only was the light bright and spacious, but the music played was light music that made people feel comfortable to listen to, not the heavy music outside. There were five men sitting on the sofa, and the one in the middle was a tall, handsome man in a tall black suit.

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