3.9 (End)

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    When the three dynasties returned home, although Gu Yao had no family, he still needed to go back to Daxiang Village to have a meal with Lu Xingfeng there.

    Gu Yao is not worried about eating in the village, because his lover has told himself that he is ready for everything.

    The two returned to Daxiang Village from the town in a carriage. After getting off the carriage, Gu Yao looked at the brand-new house in front of him and couldn't recognize it.

    In the past, there were holes and holes in the roof that would leak water into the house on rainy days. The roof has been repaired, the dilapidated yards have also been repaired, the weeds in the yard have also been pulled out, and new vegetables have been planted. Said, a road was opened on the other side, and it was full of flowers that were transferred from nowhere.

    There was a stone table and a stone bench under the only big tree in the yard before, and there was a swing on the branches of the big tree, which seemed to be full of different feelings.

    "Master, Madam."

    When the servant who was in charge of the house these days saw Lu Xingfeng and Gu Yao, he came over and shouted respectfully.

    Lu Xingfeng responded and led Gu Yao in, and let the servants close the door by the way, which also prevented the sight of those outside.

    Everyone in the village knew that today was Gu Yao's day to return to the door. It wasn't that as soon as the carriage entered the village, they hurried over.

    It was not until the people entered the courtyard and the door was closed that they recovered from the environment just now.

    A woman couldn't help but sighed: "I really didn't expect that this brother Gu is living so well now. You can see that he doesn't look like a poor orphan in the past without that kind of temperament."

    "Yeah, but Now our family is no longer the poor orphaned brother of the past, but the husband that the Lu family boss Mingmi is marrying."

    Lin Shu stood in the crowd, and there was a flash of calculation in his eyes. arrive.

    After Gu Yao led his lover to his own bedroom, he sat beside the bed that had become brand new, held his big hand and said inexplicably, "Brother Xingfeng, I'm afraid you have to cooperate with me when something happens. Just a moment."

    He had always been on guard against that Lin Shu, so before returning to the village today, Gu Yao let the system stare at Lin Shu for himself.

    Sure enough, Gu Yao did not miss the calculation in his eyes, so what was Lin Shu calculating?

    Gu Yao doesn't know for the time being, but it's definitely not a good thing.

    Hearing this, Lu Xingfeng rubbed Gu Yao's little head and said in a gentle tone, "Baby, you can cooperate with me any way you want, just don't let yourself get tired of playing, or I will feel distressed."

    "Well, good." Brother Han J T, D, J,

    Gu Yao smiled and kissed his lover's face with a sip.

    The man's eyes suddenly changed, and he hugged someone on this brand-new soft big bed for a good time.

    As for the servants outside, after they finished cooking in the kitchen, they all left one by one. After all, they didn't have the courage to disturb the good deeds of their master and wife.

    Finally, at noon, Lin Shu, who had been hiding behind a big tree, waited for that opportunity. When he saw that only Lu Xingfeng came out of the room, after finishing his clothes, he looked again. All around, after seeing that there were no people in the village around, he pretended to be coming from somewhere and walked over there.

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