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    Gu Yao sat on a stone and used his consciousness to look at the spiritual spring water standing in his space, and found that the water was not only clear and clean, but also had a white air on it, which gave people a sense of it. Fairy feeling fluttering.

    Thinking of the effect of the spring water in the original story, Gu Yao took a small spoon and scooped some out of it.

    When he took out the spring water from the space, Lu Mo was sitting next to him. Naturally, he also saw it. Ye Su hadn't told Lu Mo about the spiritual spring water at this time, so he didn't know the existence of this thing.

    "Xiao Yao, what is the water in this spoon?"

    Gu Yao smiled at the man and said, "Brother Amo, wait for a while, I will tell you after I finish the test."

    After speaking, Gu Yao drank two mouthfuls of the spoon. The spiritual spring water, I have to say that this spiritual spring water is really a treasure. After drinking it, he immediately felt refreshed and his body was very comfortable.

    "Brother Amo, take two sips too, this water is very powerful."

    Gu Yao handed the remaining spiritual spring water to the corner of the man's mouth.

    Lu Mo raised his eyebrows and didn't ask any further questions. Holding his little lover's soft hand, he drank the remaining water from the spoon.

    After drinking, he looked into Gu Yao's eyes and said, "This water is amazing. Not only is my body healthy, but I also feel that my powers have increased."

    Gu Yao was a little surprised when he heard the man's words behind him, because he didn't expect it. This spiritual spring water can also make men increase their abilities. After all, it has never been seen in the original plot, but when he thinks that the plot is completely chaotic now, this situation is not impossible.

    "Brother Amo, this water is a spiritual spring, which I transferred from Ye Su's space today, because people like him don't deserve this kind of spiritual spring. In addition, brother Amo, can you help me catch a zombie tomorrow and during the day? Is it? I want to test if this water is of any use to those zombies."

    The man didn't ask what method the little lover used, and transferred the spiritual spring water in Ye Su's space to his space. After hearing the words behind him, he agreed.

    Gu Yao raised his eyes and looked at the crescent moon in the sky, looking at the man sitting beside him, who was continuing to cook instant noodles in a pot with firewood for him, and asked him, "Brother Mo, you don't even ask me how Did Ye Suna get his spiritual spring water?" The

    man not only didn't ask himself just now, but he agreed to his request just like that, which made Gu Yao feel very guilty and sad, because he couldn't tell his lover anything. Tell him who they really are, and what happened before them.

    Hearing this, Lu Mo stopped rolling the instant noodles in the pot with chopsticks, and looked straight at Gu Yao: "That's because I know Xiaoyao, you don't want to say it now, there must be your reason, if you wait Any day you want to say it, just tell me when the time comes."

    The more his lover said that, but Gu Yao's heart became more and more uncomfortable, if only he could say it like that.

    "Ding Dong, in order to better nourish the host's lover's soul, I can't say about the host's true origin and the things in the previous world, but you are not a native of this world, this can be said. It's up to you, the host."

    The sudden sound of the system in his mind made Gu Yao stunned for a moment, but after he realized it, his bad mood suddenly improved, and he stretched out his hand and tugged at the man's clothes. Xiu: "Brother Mo, I'll tell you everything you want to know after dinner."

    Lu Mo didn't expect that he would be able to find out what his little lover was hiding so quickly, he said with a smile Say goodbye.

    And Gu Yao, who had solved a big stone in his heart, suddenly thought of what happened to him and his lover in the last world, and asked the system with consciousness in a bad tone: "Since the system can say this, why didn't you tell the last world? Me, I didn't tell Brother Yiheng until the end of my life."

   The system's innocent voice came: "But host, you didn't ask me at the time."

    Gu Yao: "..."


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