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    Lin Yao glanced at the thin girl who was being guarded by her senior brother. Her skin was also yellow and rough. At first glance, she was not doing well.

    The girl seemed to be even more frightened when Lin Yao looked at her like this, and leaned her figure behind the man who was protecting her.

    Seeing this, Lin Yao felt even more displeased, and asked with disgust in his eyes, "Senior Brother Xu, who is she?"


    With the sound of the sound card, a disgusted and arrogant young man just now appeared. In a blink of an eye, he turned into a sweet boy with a gentle smile.

    Director Xu didn't have any hope for this young master before the scene started, but he didn't expect it, instead he gave him a surprise.

    "Gu Yao, you did a good job in this scene, and you should continue to work hard in the next scene."

    Gu Yao only smiled modestly when he praised the director

     "Good director, I will continue to work hard."

     After the scene ended, Gu Yao's part of today's scene ended. He greeted Chu Yiheng, and after talking to the director, he left the crew ahead of schedule.

    After sitting in the car,

    Gu Yao glanced at the man who hadn't said a word to him since he left the crew. He felt a little uneasy in his heart, took a deep breath in his heart, and found a topic: "Brother Yiheng, what do you think of me? How was the play just now?"

    He knew that the man was standing beside him while he was acting.

    Chu Yiheng was immersed in a flustered mood that he had never seen before, the young voice in his ear made him stop thinking, he did not turn his head to look at him, but said calmly,

    "Xiao Yao, I think you are very good at acting. You will have your own place in this circle sooner or later."

    Gu Yao was not happy at all if it was a compliment, because his lover didn't love him, instead he seemed to be avoiding him.

    Now it's not easy for the two of them to say anything in the car, Gu Yao decided that he must ask clearly when he gets home.

    So Chu Yiheng was driving to a new apartment where they had moved, which was assigned by the company to artists like Gu Yao.

    The man who had just parked the car turned his head and turned to face the young man who was looking at him with an unhappy face. At this moment, Chu Yiheng thought of the reason for his panic, frowned slightly and pursed his lips and asked, "Xiao Yao, What's wrong?"

    Gu Yao didn't say anything but walked towards the man, holding the man's hand and walking towards the apartment.

    When he took the elevator to the house where they lived, he pressed the password on the door panel. After the door was opened, he led people into the house.

    After coming in, Gu Yao let go of the man's hand, and his eyes met Chu Yiheng's fascinating black eyes: "Brother Yiheng, are you thinking nonsense again?"

    The man was silent, and after a while, he replied, "No."


    "No? No. Why didn't you say a word to me outside of the set? Even if I was asking you a question, you would answer without looking at me. "

    Gu Yao sighed lightly: "Chu Yiheng, are you angry with me? Even if you are angry, I hope you can explain it directly, otherwise I'll get tired of always guessing like this."

    Gu Yao is true Feeling a little tired, he was really happy when he first came to this small world to find his lover, even if their relationship wasn't that sweet, but he kept trying to save it, and now it's like this, he won't let it go. Love just doesn't want to love anymore.

    The young man's sigh and the fact that he was tired made Chu Yiheng feel a pain in his heart, he walked over and hugged the man,

    "I'm sorry Xiaoyao is my fault, I shouldn't be like this, I admit that I'm just a little scared, today  The performance made me see it, at that time I was wondering if you would become popular, and would you leave me at that time, after all, the gap between you and me is so big."

    In the past, even if he knew Gu Yao's identity, the man never felt that way in his heart, because at that time he didn't take this young master's love seriously, in his opinion it was just a game called love.   

But when they saw this person again, the restart of the two was obviously a short period of time, but it gave Chu Yiheng a different feeling that he also had the idea of ​​spending a lifetime with the youth. 

   Gu Yao didn't know what the man was really thinking. He just thought that he still made him uneasy. He raised his head from his arms and looked at him: "Brother Yiheng, let's get married." 

   Now Hua Guotong can also get married. Yes, this is also a good way for Gu Yao to make men feel completely at ease. 

   When the man heard the words, there was a rare surprise on his face. 

   "Xiao Yao, are you serious?"Gu Yao nodded: "Seriously, or do you want to marry me?"

The man looked down at the expectation in the eyes of the man in his arms, kissed his forehead, and lowered his voice. A pleasant voice rang in Gu Yao's ears. "Of course I am willing to marry you, baby."  

  When he gets married, he can justifiably bind the young man to his side forever, so that he can no longer escape.   

After a long time, Gu Yao heard this baby's frowning eyes. Unlike Chu Yiheng's Xiaoyao, baby was his lover who was always with him in his dreams, so he called himself that.

    With a blushing face, he demanded, "Brother Yiheng, can you call me that when it's just the two of us?" The man didn't react at first when he heard this. Gu Yao chuckled softly in his ear,   

"What's wrong with that, my little baby."     Gu Yao......  wow, it's too foul, I feel like my ears will be pregnant.    

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