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    At night , the entire Daxiang Village was in a state of silence, except for the occasional two barks of dogs. Under such circumstances, a tall and familiar figure appeared in the broken courtyard of Gu Yao's house.

    Gu Yaozheng was sitting on the simple wooden bed with his clothes on. He used the only quilt in the house that had a hole in it, and drank the hot water that had just been boiled in his hand. The wound was inflamed, although I applied herbal remedies after I got home.


    The uncomfortable feeling in his throat made Gu Yao unable to hold back his cough.

    When Lu Xingfeng gently pushed the door in from the yard, he heard the man coughing, and then along the faint moonlight shining in from the window, he saw the thin figure sitting on the bed.

    "Who is it?"

    A voice suddenly sounded in his ear, causing Gu Yao to turn his head to look over. At this time, the bright moonlight also came over, which just happened to let him see clearly the appearance of the person who came.

    "Why is Lu Xingfeng you?"

    Seeing that he had been seen, Lu Xingfeng no longer concealed it. He took out a red candle that had been prepared in his sleeve long ago, lit it with a torch, and placed it in this room. After the only wooden table in the room, he walked up to Gu Yao and seemed to be in a good mood and asked, "What? Why didn't you call me Boss Lu this time?

    The lighting of the candles made the whole room brighter. Yao didn't answer the man's question, but just sneered: "Boss Lu, is it not good for you to come to my brother's room at night, after all, I'm going to kiss you soon. "

    "Say pro? Ah? "

    Hearing that Gu Yao brought up this topic, Lu Xingfeng's gentle face that he had been pretending to have been disguised since just now was finally torn off. The man's chin sneered: "Gu Yao, you rejected me at the time, but now you are thinking of marrying someone else. You are hitting me in the face like this, so do you think I will let you marry someone else?

    " Gu Yao, who was a little bit in pain, resisted the pain and looked up at Lu Xingfeng who was in anger. He asked in a light tone without any fear, "So what do you want me to do, Boss Lu?

    " Give it to me, because this is the only way you can atone for me."

    Gu Yao heard the words and chuckled: "I didn't expect that my charm would be so great that Boss Lu would still want to marry me back, or you...or Love me, right?"

    "Love?" Lu Xingfeng seemed to have been caught by Gu Yao at the point he didn't want him to know.

    "Love, Gu Yao, you don't deserve to say this word to me."

    Gu Yao, who was suddenly freed from his chin, was unprepared for a while, and the whole person's center of gravity fell back, but he didn't know if it was his body now. Because of his weakness, he fell directly to the side of the bed, his body fell to the ground with a bang, and the pain caused Gu Yao's consciousness to become more and more blurred, until he fell into a darkness. middle.

    "Hey, Gu Yao..."

    Looking at Gu Yao who just fell to the ground and passed out, Lu Xingfeng felt a panic in his heart for no reason. He stretched out his foot and kicked the boy, but found that he still didn't move at all. .

    "It's really troublesome."

    After speaking impatiently, Lu Xingfeng bent down to help Gu Yao on the bed, but accidentally touched his forehead, which was extremely hot now.

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