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    Lin Shu and the others saw that the annoying Gu Yao finally left, so they thought that they could have a few words with the rich boss. Unexpectedly, they didn't say a word, and they saw Lu Xingfeng's whole body. I didn't even look at them and left, feeling depressed in my heart.

    When Lu Xingfeng left like this, the servants around him naturally followed him, but he felt that their boss was really strange today, or why did he just walk a good mountain road, but leave without doing anything?

    Gu Yaotian over there knew how hard he tried to refrain from wanting to rush into his arms the moment he saw his lover, enjoying the warm embrace that was his own and made him addicted.

    "Brother Gu."

    After Gu Yao walked for a while, in order to prevent Lu Xingfeng from catching up with him, he walked slower and slower. Unexpectedly, there was a voice calling him suddenly in front of him.

    He looked up and found a tall, handsome man standing in front of him.

    Through the original owner's memory, Gu Yao knew that this man was the only person in the village who had helped the original owner and liked him, and he wanted to marry the original owner and go home just to take good care of him, but The parents in his family disagreed, and the man of filial piety and love finally chose the parents.

    Gu Yao nodded politely and called Brother Dazhu, then raised his feet and left. He was not going to have any interaction with this man. He helped the original owner before, and the original owner also picked various wild vegetables and food by himself. Besides, the original owner never had any other ideas for Lin Dazhu, and he would never have any.

    "Gu Ge'er, are you still angry with me?"

    After Lin Dazhu knew that Gu Yao went up the mountain, he secretly went to the mountain without telling his parents | Son. He looked very bad and didn't know if he was sick.

    Gu Yao stopped when he heard this, looked at Lin Dazhu and said helplessly: "Brother Dazhu, I have never been angry with you, that's because I don't feel angry, you helped me before, I really It's because I'm grateful to you, but I've already paid you back those favors, and we don't owe each other."    

"Besides, don't come to me again in the future, or else Aunt Lotus will find out, and she'll have to scold me again. Brother Dazhu, you know, I just want to live a quiet life alone."

    Lin Dazhu was very happy when he heard Gu Yao said that he had never been angry with him, and felt that he should still have hope.  

  It's just that these joys and hopes have not grown bigger, and all the words behind the boy have been beaten into bitterness. I remembered that when my mother met Gu Ge'er walking with him, she pointed her nose and scolded Gu Yao. , In that case, he felt embarrassed and felt sorry for Brother Gu.    

"I didn't think about it. Brother Gu, take care of yourself. I'll go first." 

   Lin Dazhu turned and left after saying that.     Gu Yao noticed the figure hiding behind him. The corners of his lips were raised slightly at an angle that the people behind him could not see. He pretended to be sad in front of him. He looked at the background where Lin Dazhu was leaving. It looks like he can't bear that person.     "Since you are so reluctant, why don't you catch up?"    

When a sarcastic voice with hidden anger sounded in Gu Yao's ear, it let him know that he had succeeded. He turned his head to look at the person who came. He shouted coldly, "Boss Lu." Lu     Xingfeng didn't know why he had to hide behind Qiu after catching up with Gu Yao. This look made me unable to bear it for a while, stood up from behind the hiding tree, and said these words!  

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