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    It is said that they are going to get married, but there are still many things to do between the two. For example, tell Gu Yao's parents and brother about this first, and then discuss the date of marriage with them.

    So on the second day without his own role, Gu Yao came home with his boyfriend for the first time.

    Gu's father, Gu's mother, and Gu Zhao, the elder brother, received a call from the younger son's younger brother the night before, saying that they would go home with Chu Yiheng tomorrow and have something to discuss with them.

    Gu's father and Gu's mother didn't think much about it.

    But Gu Zhao was different from his parents and had already vaguely guessed something, because the joy in Gu Yao's tone when he called him couldn't be ignored, and they were already together. Compared with this, what is more pleasing, then Just... get married!

    Gu Yao didn't know that he had completely exposed his ultimate goal today to his brother with just one phone call.

    It was also the first time for Chu Yiheng to follow Gu Yao to his house. When he saw this magnificent house, his face was still light, and he did not show a very surprised expression.

    After the two entered the room, they waited for Gu Yao and their parents to finish talking, and the man's tone was perfectly polite and he greeted Gu's father and Gu's mother who were sitting on the sofa.

    "Uncle Gu and Auntie Gu, how are you!"

    Mother Gu only hopes that this Chu Yiheng can live a good life with her youngest son, so naturally she will not embarrass him, and smiled kindly at him: "Yiheng, sit down. I don't need to be so restrained."

    After Chu Yiheng heard the words, he glanced at his little boyfriend who had been looking at him, said thank you, and sat down with Gu Yao on the sofa beside Gu's father and Gu's mother.

    After Gu Yao sat down with his lover, he looked around but didn't see his brother?

    "Mom, brother, hasn't he come back yet?"

    Mother Gu said with a sigh: "Before you guys came back, your brother called and said that he was on his way home. I guess he should arrive later."

    As soon as Mother Gu's voice fell outside the door, there was the sound of a car coming in.

    "Well, it should be your brother who is back."

    Gu Yao thought so too. He stood up from the sofa and smiled and said, "Then I and brother Yiheng will go and have a look."

    Father Gu and Mother Gu also knew the two brothers The relationship is good, and as for bringing Chu Yiheng together, sooner or later, it will be a family, so I didn't say anything.

    But when he waited for Gu Yao to take his lover's hand and came out of the courtyard together, he was stunned, because the person who came was not Gu Zhao but some strangers he didn't know.

    There were three people in total. A tall, inch-headed man looked like a bodyguard. Beside him stood a relatively thin young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses. A middle-aged man with an extraordinary temperament in a suit, upon closer inspection his face was somewhat similar to Chu Yiheng.

    When Chu Fan learned about the whereabouts of the child born to him by his first love, he was still a little disbelieving, because he only knew a year ago that Xiu'er had her own flesh and blood when the two broke up, and she was still a son. .

    The wife he married has passed away, and the two of them have no child because of the indifference of the relationship, so now he is thinking of retrieving the only child. Knowing the whereabouts of his son, and knowing that someone else is in the Gu family today, he quickly brought someone over to find him.

    With just one glance at Chu Fan, he recognized that Chu Yiheng was his own child, because his appearance was entirely based on what made him and Xiuer look good.

    He walked towards Chu Yiheng and looked at him lovingly and said, "Yiheng, I am your father, and I'm here to find you now."

    Chu Yiheng just sneered at this so-called father's love: " When you came to find me, I should go back with you gratefully? Is the Chu family a little too confident?"

    Chu Fan heard this and knew that his son obviously knew about his father's existence, but But he didn't find it. If it wasn't for a friend in his circle who saw Chu Yiheng and thought that he was looking for his son and told him, I'm afraid the father and son would not know when they would meet.    

    Chu Fan didn't want to have a grudge with his son, and said sincerely: "Yiheng, listen to Dad's explanation, things are not what you thought."

"I know the truth of the matter very well, and I still have important things today, so please take your people out of here."

    "Xiao Yao, let's go back."

    "Oh, good."

    For lovers who already know their father Gu Yao didn't think about his identity, but now he has no idea of ​​wanting his lover to go back to the Chu family. After all, he seems to have resentment towards his father. The truth is revealed, and then it has been waiting. The hope at the beginning gradually turned into disappointment and even... resentment, this is not without reason.

    And after Chu Fan realized that his son really didn't want to have a good conversation with him today, he had no choice but to sigh and take someone away from Gu's house.


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