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    "Hey, this human man's face is very fair and beautiful. If this face is placed on his own face, it will definitely make me more beautiful, so that I can hook up with more food." The

    woman muttered . While muttering to himself, he lowered his waist to reveal the original appearance, and his pointed red and long fingers gradually stretched out to the face of Gu Yao who was in a coma.

    "Fang Ji, what are you doing?"

    Just when the woman's hand was about to touch Gu Yao's pretty little face, as the door of a house on the first floor was opened, a clear male voice stopped women's actions.

    Fang Ji's eyes flashed with contempt when she saw the man, and her tone became disdainful: "It's you, Fang He, why do you want to take care of my affairs? I tell you, don't think you give these people to you. If you cheated in, I will count you, and now Ren Yi is not there, no one will take care of you such a waste."

    "And presumably you will not forget, Ren Yi he is only because of saving you. Those who were involved in that turmoil and disappeared, you are usually his burden, and in the end, it made him become like this."

    After some verbal attacks, Fang Ji glanced at the young man's paler expression. The expression on his face, his heart is dark and happy, although Fang He has never offended himself, but when Ren was there before, he was not only in his eyes, but he was only good to him, and he never saw his figure, which made him. How could she not be jealous.

    "This eldest sister, are you finished?"

    A strange voice suddenly came from her ear, causing Fang Ji to turn her head, and she was surprised to find the tall and handsome man who was in a coma not long ago, and the handsome young man. , I don't know when the two of them actually stood up.

    Especially the tall man, with those cold eyes looking at him, as if she were a dead person.

    Fang Ji, who is obviously not an ordinary person now, was stared at by such eyes, and a trace of fear was born in her heart for no reason, and it was the beautiful young man who called out to her just now.

    After Fang Ji stood there calmed down for a second, and after calming herself down, she vented at Gu Yao with an angry voice | In the past: "It's you, who the human being was calling eldest sister just now, are you ignorant? "..."

    "Ah..." The

    woman's next words were interrupted by the lightning ball that suddenly hit her, which made her not only scream, but also took a few steps back.

    Gu Yao looked at his lover's angry behavior, and took a few steps forward, with a pure and good-looking smile on his little face: "What's wrong with you, eldest sister, are you afraid? Wasn't it pretty good before? Is that right? Continue to use that trick of yours and let us pass out for the second time. My partner and I are looking forward to it."

    He was not from this small world, so how could he be affected by this so-called heavenly way? In the control of the plot, the coma is also pretended to be unconscious, just to see what this woman will do next, and since his lover, he is also an outsider like himself, and of course he will not be affected.

    What Fang Ji didn't understand when she heard Gu Yao's words was that the two people in front of them were pretending to be in a coma, and after hearing what he said behind, the fear of being attacked by the lightning ball passed, and she became bold again. His face was full of sarcasm: "Yo, what do I think you are from? It turns out that, just like Fang He's trash, he likes men's homosexuality|sex|love."

    "Bah, two men are not disgusting."

    Gu Yao also stood there quietly and listened to the woman's speech. After taking two steps forward, he smiled at her and asked, "Eldest sister, are you finished?"

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