1| Princess

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Chapter 1: Princess (Zarah's POV)

"Ms. Romano?" 

My fingers stilled above the computer keyboard before I lifted a hand and plucked out my earphones, tilting my head to the left and looking at my office entrance. I lifted a brow in question. 

"It's getting late and I was heading out. I thought I'd pop in and let you know," Sasha smiled. 

A sigh escaped me as I stretched in my seat, glancing at the clock hanging on the wall right in front of me. "Oh shit," I exhaled, "it's seven. Have they opened The Fortress already?" 

She nodded, "They just opened it a few minutes ago." 

"Then I should drop by on my way home," I concluded, standing up and gathering my things and dropping them in my purse before shutting off the computer. "Don't give them a warning," I said, pointing a finger at her. 

"I'm sworn to your secrecy," she teased, putting a finger to her lips. 

Scoffing jokingly, I walked toward her. "Funny how you said the same thing last time. I just can't find loyalty around here, can I? First Mr. David—" 

"Our lovely janitor," she mused. 

"Now my assistant. The betrayal is getting too real, Sasha," I shook my head. 

"So are your extra working hours, Zarah. You run one gallery from nine in the morning to seven in the evening and then open up the other one from seven in the evening to four in the morning." 

"I don't sit there till four in the morning," I reasoned, closing my office door, hearing the automatic lock click before we started walking down the hallway, towards the elevator. 

"You would if you could," she argued. 

"Well, I couldn't even if I wanted to," I snickered, "joke's on me." 

"I will never understand you," she said as we got in the elevator. "Or your business. Who owns two galleries and runs them at alternate hours like this?" 

"Me. One for the day birds in this city and one for those who stay up all night," I shrugged, flashing a grin. "Equality." 

"Practicality," she agreed. 

"And money." 

"Of course, money," she chuckled with a nod. 

Once we reached the lobby and towards the exit, we went our separate ways; Sasha left and I lingered to make sure security locked up the main gates. Making my way across the empty parking lot to my black Mercedes Benz, I unlocked the car and got in the driver's seat, locking the doors immediately and releasing a quick breath, tossing my purse in the passenger seat before starting the car and playing music as a soft hum. "Let's go," I mumbled to myself, buckling up and driving off, heading to my second gallery only five minutes from the first. 

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