34| Stranger

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Chapter 34: Stranger (Logan's POV)

The next morning bled into hours of the late afternoon and Zarah was still sound asleep, I couldn't dare to wake her up, especially not after last night. Zarah was a hassle. From the wedding reception to being home and tucked in bed. I was more than pissed off and annoyed by the time I got to my room and in bed. Regardless of that, I couldn't sleep. 

I kept thinking about her, replaying her drunk statements, the last time I saw her before leaving for Romania, and replaying that night. 

I was wide awake when I heard her crying out in her sleep every few minutes and when I got to her room, she was curled up as she clutched the covers and tears poured down her face in her sleep. I had never seen Zarah like that, never even heard her talk about nightmares like that. Not knowing if it was a one-off or something she experienced regularly, I didn't know what the fuck to do except stay. 

For a fleeting moment, watching her struggle and cry like that reminded me of myself when I had lost my Mom. It reminded me of all the nights I would wake up screaming like that as a child but had no one to comfort me. Whether it be in Romania with my grandfather or in New York with my Dad, nobody ever came when I was crying out in the middle of the night. Nobody ever asked me what my nightmares were about. Nobody ever questioned what I saw that night. 

I let out a loud sigh and threw my head back while I stayed in my study so I wouldn't make any noise that would wake her up. My mind went back to David Andrei. 

I know that name from somewhere... Fuck, where do I know it from? 

There was a faint knock on my door. "Come in," I called out. It opened and Zarah strolled in with a cup of tea in her hands and a frown on her face. "Good morning, Sunshine," I said, glancing at the clock, "at two in the afternoon." 

"Shh," she hissed, dropping down on the couch and sipping at her tea. "My head is fucking pounding, there's no Advil in sight in my bedroom and I can't remember anything so for the love of God, shh!" 

I opened my drawer and grabbed the pack of Advil before standing up and walking to her. "Advil." 

She snatched it from my hands and downed a pill with her tea before peering up at me. "You can sit. I won't bite your head off." 

I dropped down beside her, pinching my sleeves up to my elbows, my eyes raking over her pajamas from last night while she stole a glance at my navy blue full-sleeve v-neck. "How much do you remember?" I questioned. 

"Everything up until we got to my room. After that, everything's one big blur. When did we get home though?" 

"A little after midnight," I told her. 

"Oh God, did I embarrass myself?" 

"Not much." 

She held my gaze. "I totally did." 

I shook my head, watching her in amusement. 

"Was I stable enough to take care of myself?" 

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