39| Mask

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Chapter 39: Mask (Zarah's POV)

"I'm all right now, you know?" I stared at Logan as he moved around the kitchen, preparing breakfast on this fine morning. "It's been a week," I said, standing up to grab a glass only for Logan to notice and beat me to it. I groaned, plopping back down on the barstool. "I'm healed now, Logan!" 

"You're still healing," he corrected. 

"I've healed enough to walk. Didn't we establish this last night when we agreed I would go to work this morning?" 

"We also agreed I would drop you off and pick you up. On time, that is. We need to make it to your parents' party tonight." 

"I don't understand what the party is for," I mumbled. "My parents have never been the type to throw parties for no reason." He shrugged before placing a plate of pancakes in front of me. "Speaking of my parents, are you ever going to tell me what Dad told you when he visited last week? You were supposed to get answers about the crash and tell me." 

"I'll tell you in due time," he said, sitting beside me instead of across from me like he normally would. 

"I didn't want to be there for that conversation and I didn't feel the need to because I trusted you to tell me," I huffed, pushing the plate away. 

"Don't take it out on food," he said, placing it in front of me again. "I will tell you. But I need to know that you're ready to hear it." 

"I am," I emphasized. "I've been mentally preparing myself all week." 

His eyes met mine and he almost caved in, but seconds later, he was shaking his head. "Not yet. Not before tonight." 

I sighed in defeat and began aggressively cutting a bite out of my pancake. 

He took over the fork and knife when it scratched the plate for the third time and stabbed a piece, holding it in front of my mouth. 

"You're not supposed to enjoy taking care of me," I said, spinning my stool to face him. 

"I don't. It's more of an obligation, my darling." 

My eyes narrowed. "Mm-hmm, sure," I nodded. 

"Mm-hmm," he mocked as I took a bite and then took the cutlery back from him, eating like a sane person. 

"I can't believe tonight's party is at the house. They don't normally take that risk." 

"Why do you think it's a risk?" he questioned. 

"Well, Ronan will be there. Everyone will have access to most rooms. It's just dangerous, isn't it?" 

"Maybe it was easier to prepare the house than it would be to prepare a venue," he guessed. 

"Maybe," I hummed, finishing up my breakfast a while later. "I should get to work now," I announced, standing up and stepping into my sneakers. Normally, I would wear heels, especially since the clothes I'm wearing aren't exactly casual. 

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