42| Yours

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Smut ahead

Chapter 42: Yours (Logan's POV)

Zarah was every fucking sin wrapped into one; she was the finest form of temptation and I gave in... I always would. 

Every little gasp, every little moan coming out of her only turned me on more, and I hadn't even put my mouth on her yet. I placed a final kiss on her inner thigh before pulling away, chuckling softly at her irritable groan as she looked at me, impatience etched onto her face. "Don't you think you're coming undone a bit too fast?" I mused. 

"I haven't had sex with a man in a year, Mr. Markov. Can you blame me?" 

I lifted a brow at her. 

"I could have," she challenged, lifting her brows at me with a devilish glimmer in her eyes. "I could have let another man touch me, put his hands on me, kiss me... even put his mouth on me. But I—" 

"You're cutting it very close to being punished," I warned. 

Her eyes narrowed. "But it's fine when you do it," she said. 

"Do you want me or not?" I asked. 

She exhaled softly, throwing her head back. A second later, she mumbled, "Please." 

"You'll be a good girl tonight, won't you?" I asked, lazily running my fingers up her legs, my touch a soft caress. 

She nodded slowly. 

"And you'll take whatever I'm willing to give you?" 

"Yes," she whispered eagerly. 

My eyes followed her every moment, trailing down her body, taking in the way her chest rose and fell steadily with each panting breath, the way she quivered ever so slightly under my touch, the way she kept her hands clenched tightly in fists at her sides while she held herself up on her elbows as if to watch me but every time my lips touched her skin, she would close her eyes and tip her head back, savoring every sensation. 

I stood up and she sat upright with me, her arms going around my neck as I pulled her in for another kiss, our lips colliding in one that was fervent and desperate. Her teeth grazed my lip before she smiled into the kiss, running her nails down my chest over the fabric of my shirt. 

I broke away from her and while she caught her breath, my kisses became the perfect distraction as I trailed them down her neck, collarbones, and shoulders, down to the dip in her chest. My lips touched her midriff and she inhaled sharply as I ran my palm over the lace of her soft pink bra, toying with the strap as my kisses trailed lower. 

She looked down, meeting my gaze as I got closer to her, and placed a final kiss on her thigh before tasting her. A sharp gasp escaped her as her head fell back and she closed her eyes tightly, laying there, breathless. 

Zarah was... a fucking goddess. 

"Oh fuck," she whispered, her back lifting off the counter as I kissed her harder, devouring her and relishing every taste of her I could get. 

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