33| Stay

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Chapter 33: Stay (Zarah's POV)

I was in and out of consciousness when Logan parked the car at the building and turned off the ignition, but I was beyond the point of carrying myself, so I kept my eyes shut and became Logan's problem for the night. The click of my seat belt coming undone was audible even though I didn't even feel it brush against me as Logan slowly eased it back. 

A soft sigh escaped him right before he mumbled, "I told you I wasn't going to take care of you." 

I bit back a smile and focused on pretending while he got out and rounded the car, opening my door. 

Placing a hand on my cheek, he tipped my head back before withdrawing his hand. "Zarah, wake up." 

I stirred in annoyance and forced my eyes open with a click of my tongue. "What?" I wouldn't be that brutal, no matter how drunk I was. He couldn't carry me out of the car. 

"We're here, get up." He straightened up and held out a hand for me. 

I took it and felt Logan's other hand brush against the top of my head where it hovered to keep me from banging my head against the car roof. My knees became jello the moment I stood on my feet and I stumbled, collapsing in his arms. 

He let out a strained breath but caught me as I groaned in annoyance and tried to find my balance. Once he locked the car, he backed me up against it and I tilted my head back, closing my eyes. His hands left my waist and took both my cheeks, his hands feeling soothing and cool against my flushed, heated cheeks. "Draga," he said quietly before nudging my cheeks. 

My eyes opened slowly and met his gaze. He lifted his brows at me in question and I laughed out, "Hi." 

Rolling his eyes, he nodded once. "Okay. Out cold, aren't you?" 

I giggled and nodded, grabbing onto his hands and keeping them on my cheeks. "I'm feeling hot," I grumbled, "your hands are cold." 

He let me stay that way for a few moments before slowly easing his hands back down. "All right, let's go." When I couldn't even reply, he drew back and grabbed my waist, pulling me off the car and tucking his arms under my legs and waist, scooping me up effortlessly. 

I let out a breath and dropped my head against his chest, closing my eyes once again. "I'm tired," I mumbled as he began walking toward the building. 

"You're drunk," he corrected. 

"That too," I smiled, briefly opening my eyes and looking up at him, tugging at the bow tie around his neck. He glanced at me for a fleeting moment. "You look nice today," I muttered, my eyes fluttering shut as I leaned against him. 

"So do you," he admitted softly as we waited for the elevator. 

"I do?" I asked, surprised to hear those words come out of his mouth. 

He hummed. "You look... pretty," he said with a grumble. 

I let out a tiny laugh. "You're cute." 

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