15| Contract

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Chapter 15: Contract (Zarah's POV)

I couldn't process everything that just happened, especially if I had stayed in that room. Everything Dad was suggesting was fucking ridiculous... wasn't it? Pushing for extra security and having Logan investigate the situation was one thing. Every parent is worried for their child and they should be to a certain extent. But I wasn't a little girl anymore. And marriage? Marriage was suddenly the solution to it? 

Fucking ridiculous. Well... 

It made some sense and I couldn't deny that if I was married, yes, there would be someone else who paid more attention to me and my safety, someone who prioritized me. But I didn't have that and marrying someone for a pathetic deal like that wasn't something I was interested in. 

When I married a guy, I wanted it to be because I loved him and if he was worried about me, it would be because he cared about me. Not because my father was paying him money to do it. 

And Logan out of all people? Really? If the people after me didn't kill me, he would probably do it first. If not, it would be because I already murdered him. 

I stopped halfway to the front door and groaned, running a frustrated hand through my hair and heading to the living room instead where I dropped down on the couch and threw my head back. Now I was paranoid. Who wouldn't be after finding out someone was stalking and chasing them while trying to possibly kill them? 

Is someone really trying to murder me? Is... Logan really the solution? Can he keep me safe? 

If he wasn't... then how come I found myself at his apartment last night? 

Groaning into my palms, I closed my eyes, starting to overthink everything. "Oh, God," I mumbled, moving to lay down and letting my head hang upside down off the armrest as I kept my eyes closed. 

"Is that supposed to help you think better? Make the blood flow to your head for once?" 

"Fuck off, Mr. Markov," I mumbled without opening my eyes. 

Hearing him sigh, I opened my eyes and found him squatting down in front of me, only a few inches away. "Your misery genuinely pleases me," he mused. 

My eyes narrowed, "Fuck you." 

"Would you like to?" He lifted a brow. 

I slid down and rolled over onto my stomach, resting my chin on the armrest, on the back of my hand. "Is this a sick joke to you? Did you plant that thought in my Dad's head? What in this fucking world makes you think I need a husband to be my knight in shining armor?" 

"I don't think you need a husband to be your knight in shining armor," he shook his head, "and I'm not the one who suggested it. It was your Dad's idea from the beginning, Draga. I think right now, you need to do what it takes to stay alive." He paused, his eyes scanning my face. "We can't have you getting killed now, can we?" Logan reached forward to tuck my hair behind my ear but I swatted his hand away, watching him smirk in amusement. 

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