52| Torture

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Chapter 52: Torture (Logan's POV)

The moment Zarah whispered those two words, I felt my heart sink. "It's Andrei," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. 

I went completely numb and nearly lost control of the wheel for a moment. It was when the dial tone echoed, that I snapped out of it and stepped harder on the gas. "Zarah?" I called out, tapping the screen in a desperate attempt, hoping she was still on the phone with me. 

After that, I called her dozens of times but each time, nobody answered, and eventually, her phone was switched off. "Damn it," I muttered, running the red light and making a sharp turn onto the street of her gallery and missing someone else's vehicle by an inch until I swerved past the gates and rolled my window down at Dylan's booth, only to find it empty. 

"Fuck," I whispered, backing the car swiftly and hitting the road once again as I drove down the street, my heart pounding as it dropped with each passing moment. I had to find her. 

I have to find her, I have to. 

Groaning in frustration, I pulled over the car and composed myself before I lost control of the wheel completely and released a shaky breath, dropping my head onto the steering as I caught my breath. I had no idea where she was, where Andrei took her, what car he had, if he was alone or if he had help, or even if he had a weapon. 

It took mere seconds for me to unravel as the worst scenarios began playing through my head and images flashed through my mind of Zarah being hurt or worse, lying somewhere with blood pooling around her. 

I can't lose her. I won't. 

With a breath, I sat back and wiped my cheek as I realized it was damp and then started the car once again, speeding down the street and running every light as I went to the only person I believed could actually help me. Rhys. 

I dialed his number, my eyes darting between the screen and the road as I struggled to maintain my focus. 

He answered on the first ring. "Logan," he greeted calmly, oblivious to my current state. 

"Where are you?" I asked sharply. 

"Sounds like you've missed me. Where do you think I am?" 

"Rhys, I don't have time to fuck around. Where are you? Just answer me." 

There was a slight pause. "The Veil," he replied, referring to the elite New York Members Club we all had a membership to. 

"I need you to tap a phone and send me the exact location. You have five minutes," I demanded. 

"Excuse me?" he scoffed, "last I checked, you already owed me a favor." 

"If you want to live another day, Rhys, shut the fuck up and do as I say. I told you, I don't have time to fuck around." 

He went quiet for a beat. "Lost your wife, have you?" 

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