50| End

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Chapter 50: End (Logan's POV)

"Zarah," I laughed, holding onto her hands as she poked and prodded at my ribs. 

"What?" she giggled, looking up at me and blinking innocently. 

"We're supposed to fly back home right now," I reminded her. 

"No," she drawled out, "let's stay another day, hmm?" 

"We've stayed six days," I whispered. 

"So? Isn't this a honeymoon? We can stay as long as we want." 

"That's not how it is, my darling," I said softly. 

"Why?" She stared up at me from where we lay together and moments later, she sat up and faced me. "Why can't we just stay hidden a little longer since we love it so much?" 

"Do you want to run from this?" 

"I know when to put my ego aside and run for my life," she said pointedly. 

I stared at her for several moments silently. "And are you okay with that? Running away?" 

Hesitation flickered across her eyes. "You do realize that's why I'm here, right? So you don't have to run?" 

"Logan, you're here for reasons other than that," she said sharply, "you're not just here for a job anymore. We're married and I see this as a real marriage. Do you?" 

"Of course, I do, Zarah." 

"Then for the love of God, understand that it's not just me I'm worried about. I have faith in you, I know you would never let anything happen to me but I don't trust you where you're concerned." 

"Do you truly think I'm the sacrificing type?" 

She rolled her eyes. "No matter how much you act otherwise, yes. I think you very much are. You can act as tough as you like with this world but you're soft at heart." 

"Only for you." 

She took in a frustrated breath. "That makes me your weakness." 

"No, it doesn't. You're not a weakness. I thought this was a real marriage." 

"It is." 

"Then how could you call yourself a weakness?" I shot her a pointed look and she caved in, whining quietly as she moved back. 

"I don't know. Logan, I just don't want to see you get hurt in any way." She turned around and scooted forward to the edge of the bed, sitting there for a minute as she tied her hair. "I can't stand the thought of losing you," she muttered quietly. 

"Where are you going?" I asked, my eyes following her as she stood up without spinning to even glance at me. 

"To get a little air," she replied, wearing her slides but before she could leave, I moved forward and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her back down to sit. Zarah let out a soft breath of annoyance. "Logan, let me go." 

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