37| Picture

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Chapter 37: Picture (Zarah's POV)

I had never met a man who contradicted himself the way Logan did. His words told me one thing but his body language told me the other. I glanced at where he sat beside me on the couch while we ate dinner in the kind of comfortable silence I hadn't felt with Logan for a while. 

"I'd appreciate it if you ate instead of staring at me," he said without even sparing me a glance. 

"You confuse me," I retorted, "more than anyone I've ever met." 

His eyes shifted to mine. "The feeling's mutual, don't worry." 

"I confuse you?" I asked, surprised to hear the words. 

"I'm afraid so," he nodded. 

"Why? I'm not the one who says one thing and then does another." 

He lifted a brow at me. 

"I thought you said you don't like me very much." 

"I don't," he retorted dryly.

"But here you are, taking care of me because—" 

"Because you managed to be stupid enough to cut your foot and are now incapable of walking until it heals." 

"I could hop," I shrugged. 

He shot me a blank look in response. 

"Maybe not everywhere," I mumbled under my breath. "But you always say you won't take care of me and then you end up doing just that. You contradict yourself." 

"What would you rather I do when I see you get hurt?" he asked, placing his empty plate on the coffee table in front of us. 

"I would rather you admit that you worry about me." 

"Isn't that what I'm paid to do?"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I would rather you admit that you worry about me not just because it's your job. It feels like it's more than that and if it's not then you're sending all the wrong signals here." 

"And what kind of signals am I sending, exactly?" 

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Reflect on it." 

He sighed in annoyance as I placed my plate on the table. 

"What do you find so confusing about me?" I questioned, folding my arms across my chest and scooting back, leaning against the armrest, lifting my legs up, and dropping them in his lap. 

He reached to push them off but I beat him to it. 

"Injury, hurting, ow, ouch, pain," I scoffed. "Please?" 

He reluctantly dropped his hands. "It's not you that confuses me," he answered, "just what you do."

"What do I do?" I pressed further. 

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