27| Vows

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Chapter 27: Vows (Zarah's POV)

"I don't understand what your problem is. We can easily get two separate rooms," I mumbled as Logan sat beside me on the couch in the hotel lobby, filling out some forms and paperwork. 

"I told you once, do you really need me to spell it out?" he asked without even sparing me a glance. I glared at him silently, sitting with my arms folded. Once he signed the page, he turned to me, leaning back into the cushion. "We're not the only wedding guests staying at this hotel." 

"Then we should have booked a different hotel," I ground out. 

"That wouldn't be practical, Ms. Romano," he said, frustration swirling in his eyes. 

"Why don't you just say that you don't want to foot the bill?" My eyes narrowed on him as I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees while I continued to face him. 

He mirrored me, leaning forward on his knees. "I don't want to foot the bill," he said slowly. Logan was adamant about it. 

"What is your problem? I knew you were stingy but really? I'll foot the bill for my room, for God's sake." I stood up, throwing my hands in the air out of frustration. 

He let out a quiet sigh and grabbed my hand, tugging me back into my seat. Holding my gaze, we both stared each other down, refusing to give in. "You're so fucking stubborn," he muttered under his breath. "I will explain," he finally caved in with a huff, "upstairs in the room, not down here. Hmm?" 

I reluctantly hummed, nodding in agreement. Doing as I was told, I stayed in my spot while he finished the check-in process and retrieved our room key before coming back over. 

Taking our bags, he passed them on to the hotel employee and said to me, "Was the fit about sharing a room for one night necessary?" 

"Unless you want it to happen again, start explaining, Mr. Markov." 

Glaring at me over his shoulder, he stepped into the elevator and I followed suit. Once the doors closed, he began talking. "Just because we're in Russia doesn't mean you're safe. It's important to make sure that a limited number of people know where you're staying. As of now, nobody knows where you are." 

My head whipped over to him in surprise. "What do you mean?" 

"I didn't tell your family," he shook his head, "I didn't tell Christian where we would stay. Nobody knows where you are, Ms. Romano." 

"You said you would tell Nick before we leave." 

"Yes, I did," he sighed as we reached our floor, "so you would keep your pretty little mouth shut, my darling," he finished, smirking at me before strolling out. 

I scoffed in disbelief to myself and followed him out. 

"I know you don't like keeping things from your family," Logan stated, "I know they're the ones who hired me. But I was hired to keep you safe, Ms. Romano. If that includes keeping you safe from your family, then so be it." 

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