53| Promise

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TW: Violence

Chapter 53: Promise (Zarah's POV)

When my eyes met Logan's for the first time since Andrei got his hands on me, I felt like everything would be all right, like I wouldn't get hurt and I'd finally be in safe hands again. I had no idea who the guy with Logan was but even though they were here now and I knew everything would be okay, the uneasiness within me refused to settle and continued raging like a storm. 

It was hard not to start crying when Andrei took pleasure in running a blade across my arm three times at an agonizing pace, but even I had to say, he knew nothing about how to torture someone. 

I guess he'll learn now that Logan's here. 

I saw the fury in Logan's eyes and I feared that his anger would get the best of him and he would do something irrational and get hurt. My heart sank when without a second thought, Logan began walking over. 

I heard and felt the guard behind me stiffen and step closer but Logan's steps never faltered, not even as Andrei reached for his gun and pointed it at me. "If you come any closer—" 

Another deafening gunshot echoed, shortly followed by a loud, agonizing scream but instinctively, I closed my eyes and ducked my head down as my body flinched and I attempted to brace myself. When no pain shot through any part of my body, I opened my eyes and saw Andrei clutching his arm that now dripped blood as it spread over his shirt and seeped through, tainting the fabric. 

My head snapped as I turned to look at the guard behind me when he reached for a knife from the tray but before he could bring it to my neck, another gunshot rang in the room as he screamed and dropped the knife before stumbling back and landing on the ground, clutching his abdomen. 

Logan wasn't thinking at all, he was just acting on impulse. He was blindly shooting at anyone who even moved toward me. 

I stared, dumbfounded and numb as Logan caught his breath, pointing the pistol at Andrei. I barely noticed whoever Logan had brought along and naturally, flinched as he appeared beside me and stepped closer. He sighed, staring down at me before turning to Logan. "Logan, I'll take care of it," he nodded in reassurance. 

My eyes darted to the gun in his hands that was also now pointing at Andrei as he stood in Logan's position and Logan's eyes finally met mine.

Immediately, he sank to his knees and quickly untied the gag around me, resting his gun on the ground for the time being. "Are you okay?" he asked, frantically undoing the rope around my wrists that bound me to the chair. 

I sniffled and wiped my cheek quickly. "I'm fine, I'm fine, I promise." 

He took my arm and glanced at the three gashes running across it. 

"It's just a scratch," I mumbled, pulling his hand off and taking it in mine. "I'm fine." 

Locking our fingers together, Logan took his gun in his free hand and rose to his feet, steadying me as I stood on shaky legs. He turned to face me completely and seeing the tears on his face, my heart dropped. 

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