12| Trust

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Chapter 12: Trust (Logan's POV)

I led the way into the kitchen, wondering what exactly brought Zarah to my door. "What brings you here, Ms. Romano?" I questioned, going back to the dinner I left unfinished when I answered the door. 

She hesitated, watching me as I opened a cabinet and took out a wine glass before pouring myself some white wine and taking my seat. "It's rude to not offer a drink," she mumbled under her breath, "but anyway..." 

I lifted a brow at her, tracing the rim of my glass as I watched her with curiosity. 

It must be bad if she's here. 

"I was going back home but I had to stop. It was an emergency." 

"Enlighten me." 

She hesitated, watching me warily for several moments. "I was being followed," she finally admitted. 

"Interesting," I mumbled, sipping on my wine. "Why did you come here? Why not go home?" 

"I don't want them to find out where I live," she scoffed. 

"Your parents' house?" 

She shook her head, rolling her eyes and dropping her arms onto the table before resting her chin on her folded arms. "I don't want them worrying about me when I don't know the whole situation." 

"Were you in a car chase?" 

"Yes," she ground out, sitting upright again. 

"What kind of car?" 

"A black SUV. And I know that Romano Security uses them a lot but I already checked with my Dad. Nobody was sent to work with me tonight." 

"Remember the number plate?" 

"No, but there were two people in the car, that's all I could make out. Why are you interrogating me about this?" 

"I'm questioning you." 

"It's the same difference," she said, her patience already wearing thin. 

"It was a car chase and you didn't panic?" 

She stared at me, her fidgeting come to a halt before she slid her shaky hands off the table and behind it, into her lap, hiding them from view. "Why would I panic? I know what I'm supposed to do." 

"You don't like car chases from what I've heard, Draga." 

"And who told you that?" 

"Your father." 

She huffed in annoyance and looked the other way, avoiding my gaze. 

"Is it really because of the accident when you were twelve?" 

"I don't know what you're talking about." 

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