49| Murder

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Chapter 49: Murder (Zarah's POV)

"I almost thought you were still mad at me for not inviting you to the wedding," I said, trying to get a reaction from Stella about that. I hadn't spoken to her since she called me a few days after the wedding and told me how mad she was at me that I forgot to invite her. I swore we would meet soon and I would explain everything but Logan had me a little... distracted with his tongue. 

"Oh, right!" She groaned, setting her glass of wine down harder than before. "I'm still supposed to be mad at you." Then she groaned again, this time in disgust, "But how can I? You're a newlywed on your honeymoon. Did I mention how sweet it is of you to ditch your poor husband and come sit with me?" 

"No, you didn't," I snickered, glancing over at Logan. 

"He looks miserable without you, Zarah," Stella replied and she genuinely sounded like she pitied Logan. "You're rude for ditching him like that." She pointed an accusatory finger at me. 

"Only for you, Stella," I shrugged, "only for you." 

She cracked a grin and let out a short laugh. 

"So, what brings you to Verona? Whenever you're in Italy, it's always Catania, isn't it?" I asked, leaning back in my chair. 

She met my gaze. "Do you have no intentions of going back to your husband?" She looked over at him again. "He's pouting like a child. It's sickening." 

"Shut up," I scoffed, "it's cute." 

"Gross," she murmured. 

"Stella," I warned. 

She held her hands up in surrender. "I'm on a vacation," she said, finally answering my question. 

"Another one of your solo trips, is it?" 

"Well, I went to Milan for work and then came to Verona without telling anyone." 

I paused but then told myself: This was Stella we were talking about. I couldn't be surprised. "And then you wonder why your Dad is so overbearing." 

"I'm like this because he's overbearing. I'm underground." 

I let out a chuckle, "No wonder we're friends." She looked at me quizzically but I shook my head, disregarding it. 

"My Dad has developed a new obsession," she said, "he wants me to get married." 


"To some random guy, I barely know. You know how it is, everything is somehow business in their world." 

I nodded in understanding. "Have you met the guy?" 

She shook her head. "That's exactly what I'm avoiding by staying in Verona." 

"At least... meet him," I shrugged, trying to help. "I mean, you can't hide out here forever." 

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