23| Invitations

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Chapter 23: Invitations (Zarah's POV)

I watched from the dance floor as Logan reached the bar and took a seat near the area that she was serving and then he proceeded to ask for a drink. 

She served him with a flirty smile, the same one she offered to every other customer, and then continued working. She had no idea who he was. 

After waiting for a minute or two, he moved seats, taking the one closest to her, and beckoned her over. She leaned in closer when she didn't hear him the first time and as he mumbled something near her ear, I watched her face drain of blood and grow completely pale. 

A soft sigh escaped me as I turned my back on them, not wanting to watch the poor girl be interrogated any longer. 

"Ms. Romano!" 

I stood still in one place until I turned and saw Joey making his way through the crowd, pushing people out of his way and muttering apologies to each and every person. The man only looked intimidating but from every interaction I'd ever had with him, I concluded that he was as sweet and soft as a kitten. 

Reaching me, he announced, "You have to leave!" 

I frowned in confusion. "What? Why?" I yelled over the music as it began blaring louder than before. 

"Mr. Nick called and told us you're not supposed to be here!" He shot me a pointed look and then shook his head. 

"But I came with my fiancé!" 

He shook his head again with a huff, "They're your father's orders! You must leave immediately!" 

I groaned in annoyance, running a hand through my hair. "All right, okay! Give me two seconds to find my..." 

He lifted a brow at me impatiently.

"Logan," I muttered under my breath, turning towards the bar but stopping halfway there when I noticed his stool was empty with his drink still at the counter, the amber liquor still swirling in the glass. Not just that, but the bartender was gone too. I moved toward the bar in confusion. 

"Ms. Romano!" Joey called out after me. 

"Just a second!" I shouted, stopping at the counter, bracing my hand against the marble, and calling for the bartender. "Where is that bartender?" I demanded. 

"Which bartender, Miss?"

"That bartender, the one with the red hair!" 

"Melissa? She just ran out back!" he told me. 

"Did a man go after her?" 

He stared at me in confusion, like I was crazy, and maybe I truly was. 

"Did that man sitting there go after her?!" I snapped. 

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