48| Friend

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Chapter 48: Friend (Logan's POV)

Our first entire day in Verona went to waste simply because of the time that we landed and the jetlag that we went through, so to make up for that, I decided we'd stay an extra day. 

After landing at some time near four in the afternoon, Zarah fell asleep not too long after her head hit the pillow and now that it was time for dinner and we'd hardly eaten anything, I had to wake her up. While she caught up on some beauty sleep, I managed to do some digging and found a way to keep tabs on Andrei. A reliable way, someone other than Mr. Romano. 

I guess old rivals, now friends, can be useful after all. 

I couldn't do it all alone because I couldn't be in Italy and New York at once, so while I was here, someone else would do my dirty work for me. Rhys. A favor for a favor. Business went to shit where Christian, Rowan, Rhys, and I were concerned. We hardly traded bills and cheques, we traded favors. Not to mention, Rhys had easier access to everybody in this world, specifically, Andrei. 

Rhys may be a lawyer like I was but the way we worked was completely different. First of all, I still took on cases but Rhys hardly ever got down into a courtroom. He had a hundred other lawyers who took orders from him while he ran one of America's biggest tech companies and operated internationally. 

On the outside, he sold technology, on the inside, he sold people's dirtiest secrets. Rhys was the first person to go to when you wanted dirt on somebody or wanted somebody to be wiped off the face of this earth. Without leaving any trail. 

Rhys was reliable but he wasn't always a friend. At least, he pretended not to be and took every opportunity to remind Christian, Rowan, and occasionally, even me, that he could have us killed in a minute if he wanted. But the man was nicer than he acted, it just took a lot of persistence to see that. Eventually, we managed to cut through his hard exterior. Eventually. 

Rhys and I always met whenever I came to New York, even if Christian and Rowan didn't join us but we hadn't spoken until earlier today, so I made a mental note to set up a meeting with him once we were back in New York. 

For now, I have to attend to my wife... 

Leaving my laptop on the coffee table, I stood up and sat on the bed, taking her free hand in mine as she lay fast asleep on her side, facing me. "Zarah," I said quietly, running the pad of my thumb over her wedding ring. 

She stirred lightly but didn't wake up just yet. 

"It's late, we should get some dinner," I told her. 

Groaning softly, she squinted her eyes open but ignored me and tried going back to sleep. 

I smiled in amusement, watching her. "You've slept long enough. You'll be up the whole night if you stay like this," I chuckled. 

"So?" she mumbled, "we'll do other things the whole night." 

"Oh, yeah?" I asked. 

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