20| Family

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Chapter 20: Family (Logan's POV)

"You didn't show up to take me to The Dove last night," Zarah stated, making her way over to me while I leaned against my car, arms folded across my chest and ankles crossed.

"Because I didn't go to The Dove last night, Ms. Romano. I made a call to ask if that waitress was there and as it turns out, she wasn't. I would rather not waste my time, even if it is on you," I replied, opening the passenger door for her.

"Oh," she mused, stopping in front of me, "so instead you're here tonight to take me to meet the parents, is it?"

"Parent," I corrected.

"Step-parents are still parents, just not biological, Mr. Markov," she smiled.

"Elena is just... Elena," I replied, nodding towards the passenger seat. "Get in the car."

"Before I do, there is a crucial question I must ask you," she said, taking a tiny step back.

"Ask away, Draga," I said, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

She gestured to her dress before meeting my eyes again. "Is this... appropriate? For the first ever meeting with my fiancé's parents," she said, with a bite to that one word. My eyes traveled down her black skin-tight, hugging dress that stopped at her feet, full sleeves covering her arms with a square neckline and matching black block heels on her feet. She had her hair down in loose waves with two little gold hoops in her ears.

Her accent piece as always.

"I didn't know if this dinner invite was formal or casual so I had to settle somewhere in the middle," she justified, dusting off the dress.

"You look fine, Ms. Romano. Not that I would know how one should dress to meet their fiancée's parents," I muttered under my breath, gesturing for her to take a seat again.

"Never been engaged, have you?" she smirked.

"Have you?" I questioned, lifting a brow.

"Since you know everything about everyone, you tell me, Mr. Markov."

Forget about getting engaged, Zarah had barely been in a relationship. I lived around her for a fair share of my life, long enough to understand that Zarah was the girl every guy wanted but not a single one could have. She deemed herself above the guys who chased after her. And she was. If Zarah knew anything then it was most certainly her worth.

Ignoring her words, I rounded the car and got in the driver's seat, buckling in before turning in my seat and placing a hand behind her seat while backing out of the parking spot I was in.

She glanced at me. "It's only fair for me to know how many girls you've been with since you know my number."

"I wasn't aware there was a number," I scoffed lightly.

"It's higher than you think. I'm reserved but I'm not Virgin Mary," she said with a slight taunt in her tone.

"I think you're closer to Virgin Mary than you know, Ms. Romano."

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