51| Gone

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Chapter 51: Gone (Zarah's POV)

The next morning, we were forced to come back to reality, leaving our honeymoon behind when I realized I had to go to work and pick up where I left off. Logan tried convincing me to stay home and spend the day with him, and no matter how much he denied it, it was his concern talking rather than him being needy, which was how he made it seem. 

"Do you think I'm going to stay home because you'll hold onto me like this?" I asked, stabbing a strawberry and eating it before taking another one and feeding it to him. 

"Maybe," he mumbled, keeping both arms locked with mine and my legs tangled with his under the countertop. 

I turned to him and stared at him for a while. "You're a child." 

He stared back at me wordlessly and then pulled away. 

I chuckled softly and linked my arm with his, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. "I'll be fine," I sang, "you're dropping me off and picking me up." 

Turning to face me, he grabbed my legs and spun my stool so I faced him as well and without a word, he took my face in his hands and pulled me in, leaning in and smashing his lips against mine in a hard kiss, not pulling away even as I squealed and began laughing into it. Peppering kisses on my lips repeatedly, he backed away after a long time and pulled my stool closer to his. "Why do you never listen to me?" he asked. 

"Because sometimes, you get way too worried," I replied honestly. 

"I have my reasons, don't I?" 

I nodded lightly, "I suppose you do." After a moment of us sitting there in silence, my phone dinged with a message from Sasha and I began standing up. "All right, I need to go." 

He groaned softly and pulled me to stand between his legs. "Don't go," he said, "please. Just stay home with me." 

"I can't," I said, taking his face in my hands and leaning in. "I need to work." He stared back at me but cracked a smile when I kissed the tip of his nose. "Come on," I laughed, pulling him with me. 

Once we got in the car, Logan drove me to work slower than ever, trying to delay and prolong the day as much as he could, but I didn't comment on it and let him. 

It's not like I didn't enjoy the longer-than-usual drive with him. 

"I'll drop you upstairs," he said, unbuckling his seatbelt as he stopped in front of the gallery. 

"No," I said quickly, "once you're up there with me, I'll get... distracted," I cleared my throat. 

He ignored me and turned the car off anyway. "Distractions are good sometimes," he said with a smirk before rounding the car and getting the door for me. 

I let Logan lead the way as I watched him in amusement until we got in the elevator and then up to my office where he held the door open for me. "You've always opened doors for me," I pointed out, "doesn't that make you a gentleman at heart?" 

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