25| Gift

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Chapter 25: Gift (Zarah's POV)

"Rise and shine, Ms. Romano." 

I let out a loud groan, pulling the covers over my head in annoyance as Logan yanked the curtains wide open, letting all the sunlight in this goddamn world pour into the room and blind me. With my eyes closed, that is. 

"It's moving day," he announced, "and we have a lunch meeting with the wedding planner." 

"I don't want to move," I whined, "or a wedding planner. Or a wedding at all." 

"It's a bit too late for that now, Draga. I already called the movers and packers to your apartment, but naturally, you need to be there. You have an hour." 

I peeked above the covers as I heard his footsteps retreating. "Where are you going?" I questioned. 

He stopped at the door and leaned against the doorframe, arms folded and ankles crossed. "I'll drop you off on my way to a meeting and pick you up on my way back." 

"A meeting with who?" 

"Curious, aren't we? Unfortunately, that's for me to know. Get ready." He left without another word, closing the door behind him swiftly. 

Grunting in annoyance, I sat up and took a look around, realizing that I still had none of my own stuff here. Not one item. Entering the bathroom once I stretched, I brushed my teeth and then shut the door, stripping down before I got in for a quick shower. I had no choice but to put the same clothes back on, so once I did that and was dressed again, I headed downstairs where I found Logan in the kitchen while he spoke in fluent Romanian with whoever was on the line. 

Not understanding a word of what he said, I rounded the corner and stopped beside him to see what he was making and nodded with approval and pleasant surprise when I saw Italian cloud eggs on the pan. My mother loved Italian cloud eggs, we had them pretty often at Romano breakfasts but it had been a while since I last ate them. 

Logan glanced at me and then continued cooking and while he did, my eyes drifted down to the bandage on his hand from last night. He said one last thing before hanging up. "The eggs are for me, Ms. Romano, don't look so happy." 

I shot him a glare but ignored his words otherwise. 

I'm taking them all. 

"How's your hand?" I questioned, resting my hand on the counter and turning my body to his. 

"My hand is fine." 

"What are the chances of it recovering before the wedding, not that we know when the wedding is." 

"My left hand is perfectly fine, Draga. See." He held it up, flipping me off. 

"You just love doing that, don't you?" I mused. 

He hummed, turning the stove off and reaching for the plates, taking two instead of one. "We're running out of time. I know we said we'd wait two weeks but two weeks is too long," he said, handing me a plate. "We need to hurry." 

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