32| Empire

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Chapter 32: Empire (Logan's POV)

I kept an eye on Zarah from across the room as Alessia, Evie, and Jules all cheered her on at the bar, giving her plenty more encouragement than the liquor already had. 

"Don't bother," Christian said, cutting Rowan off in the middle of his story. 

I blinked, turning to the two of them. 

"He's not listening," Christian added, watching me and relishing in my misery. 

"I was listening," I argued. 

"What did we just say?" Rowan questioned instead. 

"He just told you not to bother," I said, nodding towards Christian who let out a short laugh while Rowan rolled his eyes. 

"Why don't you go to your wife instead of watching her from across the room?" he asked. 

"Because your wives are with her," I shrugged. 

"We can take them away, no problem," Christian said, glancing over at Jules with that glimmer in his eyes. 

"I don't think we'll have to," Rowan mumbled as Zarah stood up once Alessia went over to Nick and took Ronan out of his arms. 

"Shouldn't you be on a honeymoon?" I asked Christian. 

"We should. We're leaving tomorrow," he answered, "couldn't miss your wedding, brother." He patted my shoulder before glancing pointedly at Rowan who fiddled with his wedding ring before looking up at us, realizing he'd been caught daydreaming about his own wife. 

"I'm just going to go," he said. 

"Please," Christian and I nodded in sync before Rowan practically ran over to Evie. "I have to say, I never thought you would get married. I mean, I didn't have much hope for Rowan or even myself until I met Jules but you were adamant. I thought you didn't believe in love, Logan." 

"I don't, Christian," I responded mockingly. "This isn't love." 

He hummed, facing ahead as Jules and Zarah walked over. "Only the start of it," he whispered before taking Jules's hand. 

"Hey," she sang with a grin before stealing him away. 

"Hello, Mr. Markov," Zarah beamed, standing beside me, both of us now leaning on the table behind us. 

"Aren't you tipsy," I mused. 

"Only a little," she mumbled, holding up her fingers in a pinch. "Jules and Evie are incredibly nice," she sighed before a small pout took over her face. "Why aren't you as nice as Christian? Or Rowan?" 

"You think they're nice?" I smirked. 

"Nicer than you," she scoffed, smacking my arm with the back of her hand. "They dance with their wives, hold hands with their wives," she paused, watching Christian and Jules as they sat at a table, just the two of them, talking. 

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