6| Safe

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Chapter 6: Safe (Logan's POV)

My gaze drifted to the time on my laptop as I sat in my study, trying to find all the information there was to find about Devon Torrance's company and every single one of its shareholders. No matter how many times I looked at his situation, no matter how many different approaches I took to his case, it all came down to one person. His son. 

I had to meet him to figure out if my guess was right. He played no significant role in the business but still received a hefty share of the profits in the form of dividends since he was the second largest shareholder after his father. He had no other business, no job... yet somehow, he made more money than his father ever could, that too, with no traces of where it came from. 

I grabbed my phone and dialed his number, taking it off of his profile that I curated. Waiting for him to pick up, I got out of my chair and stretched, sighing as I walked towards the large glass window that took up the entire wall to my right and overlooked New York's skyline. 

"Hello?" He answered the phone. 

"Jason Torrance?" I prompted. 

"Yes, who is this?" 

"This is Ryder Glenn from..." I walked back, going through the list of companies his father's Tech company had worked with. "Blaze & Vertex Agency," I finished, my eyes narrowing in doubt. 

After that little white lie under a fake introduction, it was easy to con the man into meeting me tonight. 

"Yes, tonight works for me. Although, I'm afraid the setting isn't exactly... business appropriate, if you know what I mean, Ryder. Then again, it's not like company employees don't know what happens behind closed doors these days, am I wrong?" 

"Not at all," I played along. 

"Good. Meet me at The Dove, it's a nightclub down on—" 

"Wall Street, I know. See you there." I hung up without waiting for a response. 

I guess I can bid my reading plans goodbye for tonight. 

From Park Avenue to Wall Street, it was nearly a thirty-minute drive. He was going awfully far just for clubbing. 

Since it was already near seven, I headed upstairs and into my bedroom, grabbing clothes for tonight and then heading for a shower, skipping on the shave since I had no time for it. By the time I walked back out with a towel around my waist and a smaller towel in hand as I patted my neck and arms dry, my phone had rung on the bed with at least five missed calls from my father. 

I sighed in annoyance, ignoring the water that dripped down my back straight from my head and the incessant buzzing of my phone. 

I'm already late. 

Without wasting another second, I hung up before shrugging on the white button-up, leaving it undone as I reached for a belt and slipped it on before fixing up the shirt. I was ready and heading out the door in minutes, getting on the elevator and heading down to the lobby before climbing in my car and heading off to Wall Street. 

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