16| Worth

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Chapter 16: Worth (Logan's POV)

I stared at my computer screen, my mind drifting back to what Mr. Romano had said earlier today. I couldn't tell if the man was playing mind games with me or if he truly knew more than he always let on about me. 

When I first moved to New York at the age of fourteen, Mr. Romano was more generous and kind than he needed to be, and it was the reason he tended to put his blind faith in me. To some extent, he expected me to repay his kindness by doing what he asked, in this case, by keeping his daughter safe. 

I always thought that it was a possibility that he knew who my mother was and what happened to her, which was the reason he took me under his wing as a child when my father did everything but that, instead, he chose to neglect me. 

If I had it my way, I would never have moved to New York, never lived with my father. But when my mother was found dead in a car crash, I had no other choice. My bags were packed and I was shipped off to New York, to my father who left us and refused to take care of me long before I lost Mom. 

My jaw ticked as I drowned out any other thoughts about my past and focused on the screen in front of me where I had all the information collected so far on Zarah's case. It was practically nothing. 

When I checked at The Dove after interrogating that creep, that waitress was nowhere to be found and with Zarah showing up last night, I lost the opportunity to catch the people following her. 

Groaning softly, I pulled off the squared black-rimmed glasses I wore and tossed them on the table, pinching the bridge of my nose. This went beyond being paid to conduct an investigation. 

My phone buzzed on the table with Dante Romano's name blinking on the screen. I answered after a few rings. "Mr. Romano," I exhaled. 

"Have you given any thought to what we discussed this morning?" 

I spun my chair and stood up, walking to the glass window that looked over the city skyline. "I told you, I can't marry Zarah. It's not a permanent fix." 

"I don't want a permanent fix, Logan. I just want someone who can save her life if the worst happens." 

I pocketed my free hand and sighed. "Why do you trust me with her? When you trust no one else." 

He chuckled, "I'm simply hoping you are the type of man I've pictured you to be. I have faith in you. In the small ounce of humanity still left in you." 

"I have none, Mr. Romano. The humanity in me died with my mother," I told him, grounding my teeth. 

"And do you think she would like that?" 

Releasing a breath, I began pacing lightly. "Logan... I've watched you grow up, I watched you being thrown into this life when you moved here. Life hasn't been fair to you. But I expect you to be a little more moral when people you care about are concerned." 

I scratched my brow using my thumb. "And what on earth makes you think I care about your daughter?" 

He chuckled softly, "Call it a father's intuition. Whether you care about her or not, I know I can trust your abilities." A defeated sigh escaped him. "I worry about Zarah more than anyone else. She's too naive and likes to see the best in everyone; even if she tries building walls around herself, they are far too easy to tear down. I would give you everything I have to offer if you can keep her safe." 

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