35| Priority

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I changed the chapter name




Chapter 35: Priority (Zarah's POV)

"Good morning, Sunshine," I said mockingly when Logan came wandering downstairs the next morning, barely awake as I was getting ready to leave for work. 

He glanced at the breakfast in front of me and then stopped at the kitchen island. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked, clearing his throat as his voice came out hoarse and deeper than usual. 

I offered him my glass of orange juice and he drank it. "I'm going to work," I said, answering his question. "I've skipped a lot of days and if I don't get back to the galleries, Sasha just might quit on me. She's drowning in work, clients, and meetings. I need to get back." 

"We got married two days ago," he reminded me. 

"Then I'll just tell anyone I see that we're still planning our honeymoon and can't decide where to go, Mr. Markov," I reassured, standing up to leave my empty plate in the sink. "But just in case someone questions it, where should I say we're planning to go?" I paused in thought before turning to face him. "Italy," we shrugged at the same time. "Then Paris," I added. 

"Italy and then Paris it is," he agreed, watching me in amusement. 

"Don't look at me like that. There were no rules about never planning my dream honeymoon," I scoffed at him before grabbing my purse. "I've got to go. I'll see you before dinner—" 

"I'll drop you off," he announced. 

"You don't have to do that. You're not even dressed," I said, glancing pointedly at his t-shirt and sweatpants. "I can go on my own. Married doesn't mean supervising. Plus, I have my own car that I haven't used since I moved here, so..." I dangled my keys in his face only for him to wipe them out of my hands. 

"I can drive." His eyes traveled up and down my body, taking in the black blazer dress with thin white stripes running down and the sheer black stockings I wore with my black Louboutins. 

I snatched the keys back. "So can I. It's work, Logan. I can go to work on my own, you don't have to babysit me, that's not in the contract." 

He took them out of my hand again. "This isn't about the contract, it's about safety." 

"I can keep myself safe. Have a little more faith in your training and teaching skills," I smiled, taking the keys back once again. "Anything happens and I'll give you a call, I know the protocol by now." 

"It's not just protocol," he replied. 

I paused, holding his gaze. "I know," I nodded. I glanced at the time on my phone as it dinged with another message from Sasha. "Look, I really have to go. Bye." I patted his arm on my way around him but stopped when he grabbed onto my hand before I slipped too far away. 

"Be careful," he warned, "drive safe and just try to be back by dinner." 

"Since you're asking so nicely, I'll be back before dinner," I grinned teasingly before backing away and heading out the front door, calling out goodbye as I left. 

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