2| Business

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Chapter 2: Business (Logan's POV)

The front door unlocked with a click before I pulled it open, standing in the way. "Elena." 

"Logan," she greeted back, "you should show up when your father asks to see you." 

"You shouldn't though," I replied without budging from the doorway. "It's nine in the morning, it's only been a few hours since I got back to New York." 

"It's been long enough. Your father wants to see you, he's been asking since you landed." 

"Right... What was it, at four in the morning?" 

She sighed, giving me a pointed look. "Logan." 

"Elena," I said blankly, staring back at her. 

"Just do as I say, all right?" 

"And why should I do that?"

"Mother's benefit," she shrugged. 

I lifted a brow. "Good thing you're not my mother." 

"I'm your father's wife. Step-mother benefit," she smiled, reaching up to pat my cheek. "You've been gone for nearly eight months and now you're back. At the end of the day, he's your father; come see him. Hmm?" 

My jaw ticked as I stared at her. "Fine. I'll drop by his little party tonight," I reluctantly agreed. 

"Looks like you still listen to me after all," she mused. 

"You may not be my mother but you did raise me." I stepped aside and held the door open. "Come on in." 

"It's nice of you to finally invite me inside, but I said what I came to say, kid. Dress nice. The party's not so little."

 "Of course," I exhaled, nodding once, suppressing my annoyance. 

She walked back to the elevator at the other end of the hall and I shut the front doors to the penthouse, hearing the digital lock click in place with a beep once again. 

I've hardly been back in New York for five hours and I already want to leave. 

This was exactly why I spent most of my time in Brasov rather than New York. Away from social obligations, away from social gatherings and parties, and most importantly, away from my father. I flipped the coffee machine on and dropped a shot of espresso in it, pressing the buttons for the largest size before placing a cup underneath and moving to my bedroom, grabbing my phone off the nightstand and dialing a number very well known to me. 

"Hello?" A familiar voice answered. 

"I'm in New York," I announced, pulling open the doors to the walk-in closet and placing my phone on speaker, on top of the Chester table as I searched for a suit for tonight. 

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