55| Epilogue

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Chapter 55: Epilogue (Zarah's POV)

Six months later...

"This apartment will never recover from this," Rhys said, watching Ronan, Leo, and Ava running around the place, covered in paint with massive sheets taking up the entire floor as they transformed into artists together. 

"Neither will you," I said, sending out the last email I had to respond to before closing my laptop. "I don't understand how you've found yourself babysitting on this fine Monday morning," I chuckled. 

"I'm babysitting four of you, apparently," he scoffed at me before grabbing his laptop and going back to work. 

"You don't sound very grateful to me, Rhys. I skipped work so you wouldn't have to disappoint Nate, Nick, or Alex," I taunted. 

"I don't want to!" Leo yelled loudly, throwing Ava's hand off his arm and then standing up, dusting his clothes. 

If only paint could erase paint... 

"Hey!" she shouted, giving him a push. Frustrated and completely vexed by her, he pushed her back. She fell on the floor, right on her butt, and pouted up at Leo. 

Both Rhys and I glanced at each other but when he moved to get up and break the two apart, I shook my head and waved a dismissive hand. "She's Alex's daughter but she's a lot like Stella. She gets her way. She's spent too much time with her auntie growing up," I mused. 

Ava sniffled once, then twice, and on the third try, Leo caved in. Quickly kneeling on the ground beside her, he started mumbling frantic apologies and gave her a big hug. "Ava, I'm sorry!" he exclaimed. 

"Paint with me!" she demanded, giving him a brush. 

And he agreed. 

Rhys watched with his eyes narrowed. "She's manipulative." 

"They're all two years old," I laughed. 

"She's just like her aunt." 

"You just have a grudge against Stella, god knows why. You can't take that out on her niece." 

He never would. Whether he noticed or not, Rhys always took a little extra care of Ava, whether that be because of Stella or her father and Alex, I didn't know. Rhys ignored me and went back to work. 

"The kids have been here for a while now, when are you taking them back?" I questioned. "Logan will be here any minute." I glanced at the door in anticipation. 

"Haven't you both had enough time to fuck each other this morning?" 

My eyes widened as I watched the kids. All three of them froze in their movements and looked straight at Rhys, completely shell-shocked. "Rhys!" I snapped. 

He glanced at me nonchalantly and then at the kids before saying, "It's true. He walked down in his underwear when I brought the kids and you..." he scoffed, "very nice, Mrs. Markov, nothing but your husband's shirt." 

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