47| World

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Chapter 47: World (Zarah's POV)

Within the next two days, Logan had booked everything necessary for us in Italy and the city he chose was what I least expected. 

"Verona?" I asked in surprise, "we're going to Verona?" 

"Yes," he said, glancing at me as he folded my clothes and packed my suitcase after checking it one final time before we left for the flight. "Where else would I take you? Rome? Naples? Milan? All the typical places that overflow with crowds and tourists?" 

"Oh, and Verona doesn't?" I asked sarcastically. "Verona is full of Romeo and Juliet fans at every corner, the entire city is known for it." 

"Aren't you a Romeo and Juliet fan?" he asked knowingly. My eyes narrowed at him and he let out a chuckle, "You have three copies of it on your shelf." 

I glanced at the bookshelf in the corner of the room. "You're awfully observant," I muttered. "You know, my Mom's from Naples," I told him. 

"Even better. No one will ever track us down or recognize us in Verona." 

I chuckled softly and then paused. "Are you a Romeo and Juliet fan?" 

He looked up at me and said, "Do I look like a Romeo and Juliet fan?" 

I shrugged, "How would I know?" 

"You should," he said, "it has everything to do with the fact that I didn't even believe in love until you." Zipping up my suitcase, he picked it up and placed it beside his. 

"Does that mean I'm your first love?" I asked, grinning like an idiot as he knelt down and began helping me with my shoes before I could stop him.

"Yes, my darling, you are my first and last love." He stared up at me. "In fact, you're my only love. How's that?" 

I nodded, leaning down to kiss him. "I like that," I whispered. 

"So do I," he mumbled through a grin before giving me a fleeting kiss. "We need to leave, come on," he muttered against my lips before pulling away. I groaned softly and followed him out. "Don't worry," he said, giving me a wink as we got in the elevator, "we'll catch up on the flight." 

We didn't catch up on the flight because after taking off at one in the morning, the moment our heads hit the pillows and our seats reclined in Logan's private jet, we both fell asleep and somehow, managed to sleep through the entire flight. I wouldn't have woken up even after landing if it wasn't for Logan. 

Once we got in a cab, I realized that I knew nothing about this honeymoon. I didn't know where we would stay, how long we were here for, or any of the places we'd be visiting. "Do you have any plans to tell me anything about this trip?" I asked as we sat in the backseat. "I don't even know where we're staying." 

"I rented out an apartment for the next five days. It's better than risking either one of our names being in hotel records," he said, turning to me. 

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